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Fuji gl690


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How does the Fuji gl690 compare to lets say a pentax 6x7 ? In terms

of being a good camera for aerial photography of commercial

buildings, with the ability to blow up the negs to about 24" x 36"

colour prints. Is the 1/500th shutter speed of the fuji good enough

for aerial photography (from a helicopter)





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The Fuji GL690 is an excellent camera for aerial commercial photography due to its solid weight for satbility and its super sharp lenses. The Pentax has as sharp lenses, so I would not put down the Pentax line. The main advantage of the Fuji is obviously lack of mirror vibrations and blackout at time of shutter release. I use it with an automatic 100mm lens. Its a match made in heaven.
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"....... The lens blows away Pentax by a mile. The camera is lighter and easier to handle. And the negatives are a bit larger."<p>


come on....the Fuji doesnt blow away Pentax by a mile...thats a silly statement. The standard lens for the Fuji is a 4 element Tessar type lens and while very good, at best, matches Pentax Lenses...<p>


<a href="http://www.antiquecameras.net">www.antiquecameras.net</a>

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