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Does that happen to you also?

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Since couple of months something new is developed in me. The thing is

now days whenever I see something, some person, building, flower,

landscape, I see with a photographic eye. Meaning whenever I see

things or people I visualize that if a picture would be taken how

would it be. And if I move the subject or myself to some angle it

will be a better shot etc.


I might not have explained this well but I believe some people will

definitely get my point.





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hi Riz,

I know what you mean. Sometimes even when I don't have a camera with me, I DO look at things photographically, thinking about how they would photograph, if the light is good, if I'd need to change angles, etc. Sometimes I even exclaim to myself or my husband, "The light is so great right now! Look at how it does XYZ!"


When I see light falling on a face, I compute in my head how I would use that light or move the person if I were taking their portrait right now.


It's kind of fun...


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Interesting point. I remember reading Barry Lopez on this same point. He used to be a wildlife photographer in the Arctic, but found he was so distanced by his sizing everything up for a photo that he stopped photography and observed and wrote (wonderfully) about his subject instead. Not advocating it as a new approach for photonet however!
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I think what it means is that you're becoming a Real Photographer, God help you. Not to worry, though. You'll still occasionally get to a scene that will make you instinctively reach for your camera, and then you'll realize that it's so exquisitely beautiful that there's no way to capture even a tenth of its impact. Then you'll say, "No, this is too much for the camera. It's for me", and put the camera down. You may not get the shot, but the image will be in your own archives forever.......
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Yes, yes, yes!


>>>"No, this is too much for the camera. It's for me", and put the camera down. You may

not get the shot, but the image will be in your own archives forever.......<<<


Ah, William...often when I'm on outings with my family I have to remind myself to, "be here

now" and forget the camera. Sometimes I take my advice.

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