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What is the best film developers for FP4 and Agfa Pan 400

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One of the reasons we do our own processing is because we

can have control over the "look" of the image. For this

reason, there are lots of developer formulas out there. All

the suggestions that you have gotten so far will produce

high quality, printable negatives, especially after you have

made whatever adjustments of time, etc., that produce the

results you want. Check the recommendations that come with

the film, then go to the websites at Kodak and Agfa and look

at what they like. With the Ilford films, ID-11, which is

basically the same as Kodak D-76, is a common starting point.

It works well for Agfa film, too. Rodinal can produce a

beautiful range of tones and a crystalline sharpness with the

Agfa films, at the expense of obvious grain. For film speeds

above the manufacturer's rating, I usually use Xtol. It is sort

of the "new generation" of the old D-76 line. I have used HC110

and it works fine, though I tend to like slightly longer

development times. For me, it is neither quite as sharp as

Rodinal or Xtol, or as smooth as D-76/ID-11.




Bottom line: pick one (or both) of these films, NO MORE than

that, pick _one_ of these good developers, and don't try anything

else until you have run 20-50 rolls of film with any one

combination. Otherwise, it is hard to really learn anything.

Be on the lookout for _The Film Development Cookbook_ by Anchell

and Troop. I feel that it gives the clearest explanation of

the relationship of film and developers that I have ever seen.

You don't have to agree with them totally, but it gives a good





Take lots of pictures, have lots of fun.

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