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Deleted thread

will king

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Hi. I just got one of my threads deleted. The reason, for posting a

full size image. If that was wrong I apologize, but someone please

either email me the replies I recieved on that thread or repost it

minus the attachment. I recieved some vaulable feeddback and

tutorials from some nice people that I could desperately use. I was

posted in the Canon EOS forum approximately 5-6 AM EST. Thanks. ~Will

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Deleted threads are gone. They can't be recovered.


I fail to see what the ambiguity is concerning the message about posting images. It reads:


<em>MAXIMUM FILE SIZE 100 KBytes: please do NOT upload full size images from digital cameras. Crop or downsize to a maximum width of 511 pixels.</em></b>


It's presented every time you attach an image to a post.


Since attachments are scanned for size by the photo.net server when uploaded perhaps it's time that attachments over 511 pixels wide or 100K bytes insize were simply rejected and the poster informed that the image is too large and must be resized before it will be accepted.


It might be reasonable to make the limit 600 pixels and 150 Kbytes now (511 and 100K was probably left over from the days of 640x480 displays and 28K dialup modems).


Uploading full size images from digicams and DSLRs is a waste of storage space and a waste of bandwidth. In the worst case where they are presented as in line images rather than attachments, they totally break the photo.net format, shoving the right margin out to the limits of the image (I've seen 3000 pixel plus wide images dumped into forums)

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Okay, it was my fault in not reading the fine print. Won't happen again. However, I think it was quite rude for the moderator of that forum to delete it without emailing me the reponses. He/she did inform me it was deleted and emailed my original question, I just don't see why he/she couldn't have cut and pasted the whole thread and included it in the email.
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BTW, I do think that it's a good idea that the image get rejected if it's too big. Or at very least, just strip the attachment but leave the thread. Man, that makes me MAD. There was a lot of helpful info I received from that thread and now it's down the toilet. I love this site and fully want to support it and that's why I paid to become a member, but crap like this makes me think twice about renewing. I wouldn't mind paying $100 a year for a little better service. I really wold like to have that thread back. Is there something Brian can do to retrieve it?
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It makes far more sense for photo.net to automatically reject image submissions that are too big, than to delete a thread that lots of people have taken their valuable time to contribute to. Why do that when there is such an easy technical fix? Destroys goodwill, trashes contributed information, all unnecessarily.
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Yep, I went to post a new question and I saw it. I nver really paid attention to it. But I can , without a doubt, say that I did not and have not ...ever uncheck that option and have never received any emails. Again, if there's anyway my thread is salvageable, please send it to me. Many thanks if you or try.
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