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nikon to canon


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What is it that Canon has and Nikon doesn't that is making you think about changing

systems? For probably 95-99% of people, either will work perfectly well. There may

be something quite specialized in just one of the two systems, and maybe that could be

enough reason to change -- for example, if you want stabilized supertelephoto lenses or a


more-than-1X macro lens, you don't have those options in Nikon. On the other hand, if you

need a stabilized superfast 200 mm or a superb 200-400/4 zoom, Canon can't pony up. For

essentially all the other 'stuff' that makes up a system, it's a toss-up.

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Hi Michael, You didn't mention film vs. digital. Here's my .02 cent's worth (maybe less)


If you have a huge investment in Nikkor glass, it'll cost quite a bit to switch and probably won't change your photographs for either better or worse to do so.


I do think Canon has an edge in digital bodies. Canon has their own chip fabrication plant and offers full-frame sensor cameras. (Some may say who cares about FF? I certainly like my 1Ds2 and I hear the 5D is nice as well) FF sensors basically give you a brighter viewfinder and no "crop factor" for your lenses.


IMHO Canon has an edge in the telephoto lens department due to a wider selection of long, images stabilized lenses. For example the 500 and 600mm f/4L IS lenses have no image stablized Nikon counterparts. If you're a bird photographer this *may* be worth a change. Ditto for sports shooting.


Canon also offers three tilt/shift lenses that are used quite a lot by architecture photographers.


IMHO Nikon may have an edge in wide-angle glass. (Some Canonnites may scream at me for saying this) It's not that Canon's wide glass is in any way deficient; just a slight edge to Nikon. And as noted above you can use Nikon (or some say, even better, Contax/Zeiss) glass on Canon bodies with an adapter - albeit while losing autofocus.


If you're a film shooter my .02 cent's worth would be to stay put. While the EOS 3 an 1V cameras are excellent they hold no great advantage over F-series Nikons. And since you already have at least some Nikon glass, you won't likely see any benefit at all from switching.


So, in summation: Both are excellent systems. Good photographers can make excellent images with either. Canon may hold a digital edge over Nikon but not a film edge. Canon's telephoto glass may edge out Nikon because of Image Stabilization and Nikon may edge out Canon on the wide end. There's no clear-cut winner - just small advantages and disadvantages in fringe areas. At least for now.


I'm curious though why you're thinking of the switch? Whatever you decide, good luck!

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You can take great photographs with Nikon, Canon, or other cameras and equipment.

Reasons for selecting one or the other (or switching from one to the other) are relative. It

seems impossible to give a thoughtful answer to the very basic question you asked without

knowing your reasoning, your current equipment, and your photographic needs.



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EOS3 can do unlimited long exposures, F100 drains a set of 4xAA batteries dead in 4 hours. This alone has me considering switching, as this is an important use for me and something that's impossible to do with digital in the field. (F5 and F6 unsuitable due to size or cost, manual bodies can't use G lenses so are unsuitable backups for me).


For lightweight sharp optics, Canon has a much better selection. Nikon has a big hole between good consumer lenses (18-70, 24-85G, etc) and heavy pro gear.


And of course the adaptors are a big draw, meaning I can keep the best of my Nikon stuff (180 2.8, 85 1.4) and draw on cheap classic manual primes from Nikon or anyone else.


Personally I much prefer Nikon's product design, ID, and interface, which is why I went with Nikon in the first place in the film days. But other factors do trump that.

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What do you want from Canon that Nikon doesn't offer, and how much is it worth to you? How much would you lose selling your current Nikon equipment and replacing it with Canon equivalents?


Compare the two, and you'll know.


There are good reasons why someone would switch (e.g. if you really want primes with ultrasonic motors, or if you absolutely require the shallow depth-of-field of a full-frame digital sensor, or if you are constantly shooting with tilt-shift lenses), but only you can know whether you have good reasons.

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"What is it that Canon has and Nikon doesn't that is making you think about changing systems?

Canon's cool, Nikon's not. Those white lenses with red stripes alone are worth switching for." --> LOL



Michael they are both good tell us why you feel this way and then we will tell you what we think about the way you are feeling. :o)




P.s. I have all Canon stuff by the way.

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Yes: you should carefully consider for yourself why you want to switch. If you can't come up with good reasons, then save yourself the time and money and stay with Nikon.


What might be reasons to switch? You might need a specific TS-E or DO lens, or you might want a full-frame digital sensor.


What are reasons not to switch? You may be more satisfied with Nikon's exposure and autofocus systems, or there may be specific lenses in the Nikon system that you can't find an equivalent for in Canon's system.

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Yeah as I was typing all that crap I was thinking troll too... Maybe he'll come back and surprise us all.<P>


This is way OT but these C vs. N threads are always popular (and usually deleted) so I thought I'd share a link that a photographer friend sent me about the hazards of getting ripped off, buying stuff online, from strangers. (Something most of us have done, I suspect)<P>


Anyway, It's one of the funniest things I've read in a long time and I laughed my @$$ off. It's a very long thread, over 70 pages, but it was like reading a long, slow trainwreck that's admittedly a bit low-brow but I just couldn't stop...<P>


<a href="http://www.pirate4x4.com/forum/showthread.php?t=399203">Read about Charlie Wenzel</a>. It takes a while to get going but once you're into it a few pages you'll see.


Apologies to everyone else who has seen the thread or isn't amused. But you gotta admit, Charlie had it coming to him. I thought I'd blow milk out my nose towards the end.

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Michael here. Thanks for all your input.


I have a number of nikon lenses thus, bought a fuji s2 pro a few years ago in order to enter the digital world. I then got the D2H for its speed. It is fast, but the flash can't keep up with it in some situations. I use it mainly for events and weddings with a SB800 or Metz 54. 4mp seems to be just too little.


I was considering the D2x and now the D200, but before I continue to invest in Nikon, I thought I would see how Canon faired. The new 5D seems great for wide angel. I also find the lenses are a bit dark.


I shoot a lot of events and weddings, a few architecture jobs per year, tons of kids and corporate portraits and in my spare time a bit of travel and landscape.

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