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OT:mounting/gluing prints to glass


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On my walls are many framed prints from 10 years ago. Most of them are

very bad ;-) I have outgrown them about 4 years ago but neglected to

do anything about it. I want to re-do my walls. I would like to take

prints and glue them to clear glass panes and those glass frames then

hang on the wall. Could someone please chime in with the 'know-how'

and help me with choosing the right materials to do the gluing?







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Spray art adhesive from an art store? I've never tried it on glass though. One would lightly spray the backside of the print and the glass (taped off to avoid overspray). When you join the print & glass you need to get it right because it grabs immediately. Roll it with a rubber roller. Good luck.
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. . . And now for something completely different. Skip the glass. Mount the photo to a mount board in the usual way. Then mount the board using spray adhesive to a piece of plywood or fiberboard to which two wood strips have been attached. The upper strip should have a hole pre-drilled to accept a nail in the wall.


This avoids putting anything on the surface of the photo that might cause eventual damage. Of course, you can spray it with a clear coat to protect it, but I haven't found this really necessary. I made the piece illustrated in 1987.


Sorry about the lousy color cast. I took this in a hurry, just to illustrate.<div>00EbdG-27112184.jpg.0b891023f298bc7b9a75fa7ab005253d.jpg</div>

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