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180mm Lenses

peter k

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Dear Forum members, I need some guidance. I would like to buy a 180mm

lens for my Busch Pressman 4X5. I made a lensboard for it with a 42mm

opening. The lenses in question are: 1 Fuji W,2 Nikon W,3 Schneider

Symar-S. I have tried to find comparisons but not all of them can be

found on all the test sites that I have looked at. The price, used,

seems to favor the Fuji but the difference between them is not that

great and I am able to spend what is necessary. Which of these three

is the better buy given similar conditions? Much appreciate your

input. Regards Peter

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All three make/made excellent lenses. But you haven't provided enough information to uniquely identify the lenses.


The Symmar-S was sold both single-coated and multicoated. The multicoated version will be easy to identify: it will be labeled.


Fuji sold two versions of lenses that are labeled Fuji-W. The earlier version has labeling on the ring around the front element, the later version on the outside of the barrel. The earlier version is single-coated, the later multicoated. Sometimes the earlier version is in a Sekio shutter.


Nikon is simple: only one version, always multicoated.

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Thank you all for your replies. I guess I will look at the Fuji because of price. As to the APO Symmar- S L When I winn the lottery I will buy it at once. Also thank you for the specifics regarding some of the lenses regarding coatings. Regards Peter
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I agree that single versus multicoating isn't such a big deal for LF lenses with their few air-to-glass surfaces, but if the price difference is small, I'd pick multicoating. I remember a post on this forum by S. K. Grimes giving a negative opinion of the repairability of Seiko shutters, so that's something to consider.
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I have a 180mm Fujinon W with inside lettering, so it's one of the older versions. It's mounted in a chrome ring Copal, not a Seiko.


I've used this lens head to head in the field with my 150mm Rodenstock Sironar-S, and was amazed at the results. The Rodenstock is superbly sharp, with a slightly warm color balance. I feel that the Fujinon 180 comes very close to matching the Rodenstock's performance, including the warm balance. Of course I have to say that the Rodenstock is slightly better, since it's the only lens I ever bought new!


I've shot with only one other Fujinon, a 300mm W, which had the later multicoating. I liked the contrast rendered by my older single coated 180mm better than my newer 300mm. In fact, I sold the 300mm.


If you haven't seen it, check out Kerry Thalmann's Fujinon discussion at: http://www.thalmann.com/largeformat/fujinon.htm


The older used Fujinons are a bargain right now.

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