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Thank you Torben, I share your sentiment. I would like some very happy buyers of my two Leica M4's, 35mm f2.0 Asph (latest) and 50mm (f2.0 and f2.8, both latest) lenses, the Hasselblads, and the Rolleiflexes. Oh yes, and also world peace and less killing, and less dying from curable diseases.
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One of those in-car GPS thingies. I used one in a rental car in Japan and it was fantastic!

Allowed me to pull off onto all the backroads and found cool places to take pictures.

<P>What I would like but will certainly not buy or be given -- an Imacon 646, 848 or 949. I

certainly would not refuse a 343 either, but I figure it would be nice to scan 4x5...

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George, my Dad was involved in a study at Mass Eye and Ear on Macular Degeneration, the short is they stopped it from progessing. I don't know which version of this disease he had but he's happy, the therapy was pretty simple if I recall.


Now my wish list, a Canon 5D (yes dear I will sell my 10D), and a darkroom in my furnance room so I can get back into B&W film developing. Yes dear I already have all the darkroom toys except the film and chemicals.



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Paul, we all regret what we sold years ago, or worse, the stuff we didn't buy. I should have bought a second brand new M2-R body with D.R. Summicron for the $375 list price just to sit in the box, and I missed out on a 180/2.8 Elmarit with pre-set diaphragm in Visoflex mount for $200, barely used. I sold my grey paint IIIc-K body and 50/2.5 Hektor and 28/5.6 Hektor with case and hood for a tiny fraction of what they'd bring today. Yup, I'd bought all that stuff for about $700 total back then.


I suspect that about 2040 we'll be hearing the bitching and moaning about how you used to be able to buy beater M bodies for less than a thousand bucks. If we're still around and can still hear...LOL

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Christmas wish list (apart from the obvious like good health for my family & friends and you lot)...


Nikon D200


Nikon 50mm f/1.2 AI-S


Customers for all my remaining film cameras (Contax/Fuji/Lomo etc)


Apple Power Mac G5 + CS2


The ability and opportunities to take better photographs.

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I want the same thing I always want for New Years; more fun, more sex, more golf. But when my wife asks I always say lose weight and be a nicer person. Be nice to have a long vacation somewhere warm and dry. I hardly ever have enough time to use the equipment I have. Best of luck.
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