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smallest camera that takes CF cards?

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the canon s70, s60 are small ps that take compact flash cards... I have an s70 and it takes great pictures as long as you have a lot of light. Its a point and shoot. You could search dpreview.com for cameras. Most cameras are now going sd card for memory (the new s80 takes sd cards)
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The 700 model is newer. There were two versions of the 5MP model, one using CF and the other SD. One may be called S500 and the other SD500, I'm not sure. Different countries have different names. My point was just to be sure to get the right one. Eager salesperson in a shop may insist that the SD version is the only one.
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Of course, I copy and paste the wrong bit of text, which was rather stupid.


There are 3 different "Digital Elph" cameras with 5MP sensors.


Canon SD450 known as the IXUS 55 in Europe. This camera was just released and takes SD cards.


Canon SD400 known as the IXUS 50 in Europe. This camera takes SD cards


Canon S500 known as the IXUS 500 in Eurpoe. This camera takes CF cards.


There are no other Canon cameras of this size that are 5MP. The SD500 (known as the IXUS 700 in Europe) is a 7.1 MP camera and it takes SD cards.

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Semantics aside, Ilkka got the basic concept right. The semantics are largely unimportant, each Canon has three names, one for each of the magjor marketing regions, North America, Europe and SE Asia, and Japan. Why such diverse groupes as Europe and Aisa can share a name is quite beyond me. ;)


The little Canon ELPH is probably the nicest CF eating P&S in its size and weight range. I don't have a 5mp, I have the 4mp known in the US and Canada as the "PowerShot S400 Digital Elph", in Europe and much of Asia as "Digital IXUS 400", in Japan as the "IXY digital 400", in the Bahamas as "Larry", in much of Mexico including Cancun as "la gran c�mara fotogr�fica blanca".


The 5mp you want is known in the US and Canada as the "PowerShot S500 Digital Elph" (except in Quebec, where it's referred to simply as "Appareil-photo incroyable puissant"), in Europe and much of Asia as "Digital IXUS 500" (except for Scotland, where it's typically called "Hamish Rue Glamis, ninth Laird of Glamis" for reasons no one quite understands, especially since the IXUS 400 is referred to simply as "Angus"), and in Japan as "IXY digital 400".


It's the SD using Canons that have the really horrible naming conventions, where the numbers shange from makret to market, i.e. the 7mp camera being a 500 in one market and a more logical 700 in another. SD just sucks the logic out of everything, but that's a discussion for another day.

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I agree on the presumed convenience of using whatever storage we already have, and taking the same storage device with us for each day's shoot regardless of which camera we carry it in.


Konica Minolta makes an adapter to read SD cards in a CF card slot, making this a partially moot point for many of us - the SD-CF1. Works in ANY CF card slot, not just in Konica Minolta cameras.




I hope cameras eventually make multi-slots like the 11-in-one card readers on every PC and printer nowadays, and for sale for less thatn ~$10US in many discount PC outlets!.




Lov and hugs,


Peter Blaise peterblaise@yahoo.com http://www.peterblaisephotography.com/

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