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Coverting to iMac G5 from Dell PC/XP/SP2

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"You really think that Apple has just three per cent of the publishing market where Adobe gets those big commercial multiple user sales? You need to get out more......"


what's up with you ankle biting me like a pesky jack russel from thread to thread? where did i say publishing market? geeze.

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"what's up with you ankle biting me like a pesky jack russel from thread to thread?"


? You might want to qualify this, because I have no idea what you're referring to.


"where did i say publishing market? geeze."


OK, so I guess Adobe are more interested in the single user with PS Lite (or whatever it's

called) than, say, Time Inc.. Apple make up a lot more than 3% of the market for graphics


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the numbers have been dropping since the mid 90's. every year more switch over to pc. they are losing the market share, not gaining. all those fancy visual fx we see on the silver screen, all the editing of all the movies, all dumped mac and went pc years ago. the music and graphics industry is the same. it has something to do with being able to upgrade and not being held ransom and limited to a single manufacture, that makes slower parts. or maybe it's the networking problems? i don't know. i don't really care but i do listen and soak it up like a sponge when i'm around. is a two bit newspaper going to buy 30 macs or spend half the money and get a faster machine? adobe codes for pc, has since ps 6, then they struggle and patch for mac. anyone that runs serious edditing suites, that has switched from mac, will tell you macs freeze and crash more so than a properley built pc becasue of this. this is like a film digi debate. i don't care, i like macs, love the craftsmanship, the aluminum cases for heat sinks, they look cool today, but tacky tomorrow. they're way more of a computer than i will ever need, so i don't care if it's a toyota or a honda. and someone up there said something about the 23" display. it is nice, but it's for 3d graphics, cinema, not us on 2d. it is not the best on the market for photographers. don't buy into the marketing, which is what most mac owners have done. macs are great for people like Trevor that don't want to fuss about virus's and firewalls and security and just want to plug and play a great computer. wish i could a afford one...
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and dell is one of the top three worst boxes to buy if you don't strip all their software off. and this is what gives pc's a bad name. people buy the hp's and compaq's and go home and it gets slower and slower and filled with scumware and it's has absolutely nothing to do with pc's or why one should want a mac.
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Switching from a PC to a Mac is like switching from Canon to Nikon or Olympus to Pentax or Toyota to Honda or etc. Your photos will not be better or worse you will simply have less money.


I have a professional musician friend who used to switch guitars at least once a year to improve his playing --- result: same play level but less money.


Aside from MACs being a little slower your results will be the same!

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I switched 3/4 years ago and would never dream of ever buying a PC again.

Ive seen lots of praise for the 20" iMac screen and it's also on my shopping list.

I currently have a G4 Powermac (manages PSE no problem but Canon DPP struggles) which

chose due to its upgradability - which Ive never actually needed. Buy lots of RAM though.

Im also in the UK but have not needed to use Apple Care warranty.

Unless you have lots of quirky PC apps that you would miss, I would say just do it !

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You can call me Bub, bub.


I have e-mailed one of my more senior contacts in Adobe asking this VSQ.


Is the Canadian Apple OS X version of Photoshop more expensive than the PC version? If


someone downstream from Adobe in the distribution chain is playing pricing games. Just

checked with Macmall (AKA PCMall) and their prices for Photoshop CS2 Win and Photoshop

CS2 Mac are exactly the same: $548.99

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i'm now beggining to think of other things to call you...


but anyway, did you ask your inside source which system it's coded for? i'd like to know if i'm wrong or not so i don't spew out miss-information on the net...

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If you can thnk of any new things to call me, pleae do I'm open to suggestions.


Got the following response from Dr. Russell Brown of Adobe to the question of which

platform current vversions of Photoshop are writtten on:<Blockquote>Ellis,<P>


Dr. Brown is not sure he knows the answer to your question.

I would make a guess that the answer is both.</blockquote> i have also asked the

question of someone who was formerly and may now be still apparently semi/quasi


officially connected to Adobe: Thomas Knoll. I haven't gotten an answer yet.

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Thomas Knoll just responded:<blockquote>All the Photoshop engineers have both

platforms in their office, but most pick one or the other as their "primary" platform, and

get their code working on that first, and then test on the other platform. There are some

members of the team whose primary platform is Windows, and some Macintosh. It is

about an even split.<P>


My primary platform is Macintosh.</blockquote><P>For me that counts as the definitive

& authoritative answer to the question as to which platform(s) Photoshop gets written on.

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thanks Ellis. Both Thomas and Russell are okay by me. It would make sense to have both going simutaneoulsy as apposed to playing catch up with the other when coding.


ot; I've found a glitch with the d2x and cs2 that stumped everyone in town here and i'm supposed to report it. any idea where?

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cheers Trevor. and sorry for stomping all over your thread yesterday. i have no preference or feelings towards one or the other. i've used both all my life, from the commadore 64's being my first mac as a teenager and whatever was before a 286 as my first pc in late teens. but me, as an individual that doesn't mind dealing with protection and has a great tech, runs pc today. the next year coming up looks exciting with the 64 bit compatiblity becoming more of the norm, and cheaper prices too. I'm about to start building a dual raid system with 6 gig of ram ( the only way CS2 can utalize more than 2 gig on 32 bit). That means less time on PN on my internet box while waiting for my graphics box to do 40 second actions.


which reminds me. many pc photographers that are heavily into it, have two boxes. one cheapie for the net only and one not connected at all. a physical dvd/cd has to be used to transfer files. a system that runs without protection and anti-virus software probably runs 20% quicker without all the condoms running in the background. and is of course free of spyware/malware. so a cheap internet box that you can easily do a ghost with is an option for 'net activity, especially with kids, while the hot rod stays in the garage for sunny day driving only.

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