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Purple Negs


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If you bring up the 'uncategorized' questions, a long list, you will

see quite a few on this topic.




In a nutshell: if the film has a very slight but totally even tint,

don't worry about it. If the tint it uneven, it may be

insufficuiently fixed. Re-fix it. Some people recommend a hypo

clearing agent.

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This is strange, because purple negatives usually come from the newer

technology films like T-Max and Delta. How long are you fixing? Kodak

Fixer requires as much as 10 minutes, and Kodak Rapid Fix needs up to

5 minutes. I also think Hypo Clearing Agent helps (1= minutes) and a

lot of the color will wash out in at least a 5 minute wash at 68

degrees where the water changes twice a minute.

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Brian is correct. Fix for 10 minutes in Kodak fixer and treat with

hypo clearing agent for two minutes. Make sure the fixer and

clearing agent are fresh. I agitate for five seconds at the minute

and half minute. TMax films require more extended fixing than other

films, and also exhaust the fixer more rapidly.




I just recently developed several rolls of TMax 100 with XYTOL

developer and the procedure described above, and have no purple tint

in my negatives.

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  • 3 weeks later...

During the last few months I noticed Tri-X has changed and now has

the dreaded iodine look which some may call purple. I tried fixing

for a longer period of time but a longer time in a water bath is the

answer. After a clear bath, let the film stand for about 7 min in a

water rinse with 2 or 3 changes of water. Then rinse for 5 min under

running water. Experiment on the film leader to check fix and stain

clear times. The film will still have a slight iodine cast which I

find pychologically unpleasent compared to the gray cast of AGFA


This stain does bleed into your fix.

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