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Edmunds Scientific Rangefinder Mirrors: How do they perform?


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I need to replace the rangefinder mirror in a 4X5 Graflex Crown

Graphic (with top mounted rangefinder) since the image is badly

degraded. I do know that Edmunds Scientific sells the 50%

beamsplitter mirror, I was just wondering how it performs, and if

the rangefinder patch is clearly visible. The picture of this mirror

on the Edmunds Scientific website has a noticeable bluish hue, while

the original Graflex RF mirror has a yellowish hue. Is this

noticeable in the repaired rangefinder, or does it make no

difference? Thanks!!!



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I have done some camera repair over the years and what you are looking at is a really unusual repair. Most people would buy another rangefinder and replace the faulty one. You could try looking at graflex.org to see if anything turns up, but I would be willing to bet that you have a tough row to hoe here.


- Randy

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An unusual repair? I've seen many post on this forum (in the archives) about doing this very thing. In fact, that is how I know the repair can be done. Furthermore, this is how the article concerning Graflex (or Kalart) rangefinders at graflex.org suggests replacing the rangefinder mirror. They even say to use the Edmunds Scientific beamsplitter mirrors I am talking about. What would be the point in buying another old camera, and using another degraded (albeit better) mirror? Who says that the other mirror can be removed from the donor camera without damage or breakage? The rangefinder doesn't need replaced... Just the beamsplitting mirror. I do have a rough Crown Graphic with a working rangefinder, but I simply want to put a new mirror in this camera, and want to know how the Edmunds Scientific mirrors work.
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I have done this repair using the Edmonds mirror, cut it with a regular glass cutter semi successfully (the surplus wasn't worth much for use). The newer stuff is thinner and in one post on graflex.org the recomended solution was to split a match from a match book and glue it in as a shim. As far as color is concerned, redish tint was origional until late fifties or early sixties when blue was the color of the mirror or it was just who Graflex happened to purchase their mirrors from. Go to www.graflex.org select the help board then the search function and use "beam splitter" for the keyword, select the "all the terms" check dot and search. Also in the Technical Information section (from the home page) is Adjusting Kalart Rangefinders and Fixing Bad Mirrors In Rangefinders.
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