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Photo.net Now Accepts Credit Cards / Subscription Drive


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I'm in Spain. As I complete this year PayPal limits y tried a Visa (Electron) debit card, which is Ok when I buy in Ritzcam, or Pacific Rim. Well: doesn't wark with Photo.net.


Then a tried a Gold Visa I have (with credit enough): Nothing!


A friend of mine came to me and we tried yesterday to pay with his Master Card: Nothing.


I want carry on collaborating with Photo.net with out lose my Patron Icon. What can I do?

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Thanks for the discovery about the cookie. You must have been logged in for a very long time because I don't think we have issued the ad_user_login for a very long time. It was changed to photonet_login. As a transitional measure, the regular http server would accept the ad_user_login cookie also. In your case, this "transition" has been over a year. But the https server only accepts the photonet_login cookie. So even though you were logged in on the regular server you weren't logged in on the secure server.
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Luis, all but one of the failures on your card were because you entered the number with spaces. I know this is the way it is embossed on the card, but you can't put spaces in the number. The code should remove them, because you aren't the only one who has gotten caught by this. But right now it doesn't.


One time, probably with your friend's card, you entered it without the spaces, and there was a different error message. Perhaps you did not notice this. The error message was that you needed a valid "state" code. This means that for Spain, as with many other countries, you have to enter something into the field labelled "State/Province/Region/County".


So, try it without spaces in the Card Number and a State/Province/Region/County.

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In the drop down list of the countries I can't find Serbia & Montenegro. This is former Yugoslavia and my state is Montenegro, but those two don't appear too. I tried to click on the nearest country but, as I expected, my credit card was refused. What should I do now?
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THe list isn't complete, although it does probably cover 95% or more of photo.net members. The best coverage is of English-speaking countries, North America, Western Europe and the European Community, and the Far East.


Africa, the Middle East, Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia, and South America are more sparsely covered. The payment processing concern is working on expanding their list.


On countries formerly part of Yugoslavia, some people have reported that their card was accepted even if they picked the "next" country. For example, Slovenia has worked for members from Bosnia and Croatia.

I don't know if that will work for Serbia and Montenegro.

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I seem to belong to that small group of people who are not able to pay, no matter what I've tried so far. I always end up with one of the following messages: "The credit card entered is either not a valid credit card, or does not match the credit card type in the CardType field" or "If you are using the sandbox this special case is provided for your testing. If you are not on the sandbox do not use Credit Card numbers which start with zero."

The card is definitely a valid one and is of the type mentioned in the Card Type field, so what do I do wrong? I do want to sign up, but I no longer know what to do next...

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Ilse, from the logs, I see two problems. First, you are entering "----" for the Card Verification Value. That is almost certainly wrong. Unless you have a very old card, your card has a three digit Card Verification Value on the back. If it doesn't, which is unlikely, then just leave the field blank. Don't enter "-----".


Also, I am almost certain that you are not entering a valid credit card number. Master Card numbers are 16 digits and always start with "51" to "55". You seem to be entering numbers that are shorter and start with "0".


For those who might who have noticed that I seem to know more about these transactions than is consistent with the statement on the Payment page that we are not making a record of the credit card details: that is partly true. While we aren't putting the details in our database, the server is currently logging the transactions in a log file. This is for troubleshooting purposes during the initial weeks of this new system. The log files are encrypted, however, and only I know the password for the decryption key. Also, the logs are only retained for 48 hours. Once the initial deployment phase is over in two more weeks, we will stop logging the credit card numbers. At that point, we will literally be not making any record, even temporary, of the credit card numbers.

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I know this is going to sound like I'm preaching to the choir, but I renewed a few days ago with your 36-month special offer and forgot (!) that I had renewed for 36 months just this past June. When I logged on today and saw that my membership was good until 2012 I had to re-check my renewal record. Anyway, if you break it down, that's just 0.05 per day - A NICKEL A DAY!! Where else can you find a resource like this for that price??? Do you know of any other magazine or web site with as much information all in one place? Come on people - become a member!!! Encourage your photographer friends to join! Even with the bumps, this is a fantastic resource!!! (sorry, I got a little excited...) --Rich
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Sure, you can always buy extra time for a subscription. If the subscription hasn't yet expired, the extra time just gets tacked onto the end. If you had a subscription and it expired, you basically get a new subscription starting on the day the payment is processed. If there hasn't been too big a gap, you will keep your original "Subscriber Since" date, although not much is made of that at present.
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i have also tried to creat the account today but at the end of the process the system did not except my card as my country Qatar is not in the list.i do hope it will get added to the system soon please ,and thank you very much .
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Yes! Finally. I really hate paypal and have been waiting years (since '97!) for photo.net to take

real credit cards. I'm glad to help out and it's long overdue. I think photo.net should still be

free for non-members to post and even upload a few photos. Those wankers over at

APUG.org lost me when they abruptly cut all non-member viewing access to galleries.

Some really good things are happening at Photo.net. Glad to pony up the money for the

finest online photo site.

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