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What is Fine Art?

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Why does it matter if you are supposed to like Witkin's work, or whether you are supposed to hate it. If you don't like it and somebody told you that you should like it would you feel inferior? Why wouldn't you look at it and form your own opinion. I think you're falling victim to the train of thought that photography or art is a topic like math where there are concrete answers and experts who know what is right and wrong. Yes, there are people who are very knowledgeable on the subject, but their opinion is not fact.

Like what you like for your own reasons. Also, turning an image to B/W doesn't make it fine art. Check out Charlotte Cotton's book "The photograph as contemporary art" It gives a good idea of what is currently considered fine art photography. If you check it out, you'll notice that the majority of the images are color.

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If anyone wish to go through art photography, the first thing to do is to get educated for that JOB. Like anything else: if you wish to be engineer go to Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. If anyone wish to be photographer artist it is easier way to put on tax report such a NAME. A guy wish to be artist he buy a digital camera and shoot just anything around him and rush home to see his Art (with capital A). Hex wich illusion.

I tell to anyone: Go to Academy to learn rules about the art, years. Just before you quit (finish) you learn: there is no such thing as art. There are just artists. Their work qualfy as art. Confusion? But how a long story and long way is to understand it.


If you have a digital camera and ask can my work qualify as art, you better off sell you camera. The same is valid if you find yourself pressing the button several times daily. And have nothing in common with art if someone shoot on film breathing acid in his own darkroom. You see:A=B and B=C now A=C huh am I philosopher of Platon calible?


A guy repear the car himself, is he a top notch engineer?


Well might be it is selfish? If anyone wish to go into art photography answer at first WHY work of Robert Frank made him artist. I am very sure that milions photogs, especialy digital guys, said I can make photographs even and better than R. Frank. Possible yes.

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