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Exposure shift in 20D


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I just came back from a model shooting. After review the digital

images taken on the 20D, I relised that exposure varies slightly from

one images to another. I have set the camera aperture piority and on

motor drive. Studio lighting was used.

Have anyone here experience this on the EOS20D?

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<i>"I have set the camera aperture piority and on motor drive. Studio lighting was used<i/><p>


You should have set the camera on Manual, with settings from a flash meter (or by experimentation), and ensure the flashes have time to recycle. The reasons for changes in exposure would be; changes to the metered scene, or the flashes not keeping up with the 'motor drive'. The 20d has no way of metering for studio flash, you have to do it.

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Doesn't make much sense to me what you would use aperture priority. Use manual, set aperture for studio flash, set shutter for ambient light (if you want any at all, otherwise shoot at high sync speed).


If you insist on using, try dialing in -1 or -2 exposure compensation. That way, the studio flash will dominate the scene and the variation in ambient will be less visible from shot to shot. For the most consistent results, though, shoot manual and you your eyes shouldn't see any variation in exposure from image to image.



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