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Ilford Multigrade for film?


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This may be a dumb question but...




I recently ran out of Ilford Universal fixer. In my haste I picked up a bottle of Ilford Multigrade paper fixer instead of Universal fixer. Can Multigrade be used to fix film(FP4)? What would happen if I did use it? What is the difference between Multigrade and Universal fixers?









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My experience has been with Kodak fixers. Generally, the one I use

now recommends mixing at half the strength, when used for films, as

when used for paper. You might try diluting some of yours 1:1 and

trying it on a film leader to see whether the time required to clear

is about normal for film, say, 2 to 4 minutes or so. But since it's

sold for paper, with apparently no instructions for film, I think I'd

limit this to emergency use until you know more.

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Oh, wait, wait, don't do it. I said it backwards. Senior moment.

Kodakfix is mixed TWICE as strong for film, not half as strong. SO:

If you do try using the multigrade fix on a leader tongue use it full

strength,and it will require longer than normal to clear, if it

clears at all. Sounds like a risky business. Sorry for the

backwards info.

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Ilford Multigrade fixer is a very good fixer for hand processing film

and paper. The main difference is that it is not compatible with

hardening additive agents. But this allows Ilford to make it a bit

more concentrated compared to hardening or hardner-compatible fixer

packages. You simply mix it 1+4 and use it for film or paper.

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  • 2 weeks later...

ILFORD Multigrade fixer is suitable for using with film or paper. For

film, it is recommended to dilute 1+4, and fix for 2-4 minutes (3-5

minutes for Delta or T-Max films). In other words, use it just like

Universal Rapid Fixer.




Multigrade fixer is not compatible with a hardener, but as others

have stated, you don't need one anyway.




David Carper

ILFORD Technical Service

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