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deleting one's gallery....


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Go to My Workspace.


Click on Manage Your Portfolio.


Select the only folder you have which is Single Photos.


Select Options for the folder and you are given the chance to delete the folder. You will be warned that all pictures in the folder will be deleted.


Ya know Skip, normally I wouldn't get involved in such an issue but take a look at the last photo you uploaded to which wrote a poetic introduction. The first person to post a comment attempts to participate in your poetry, offering very flattering comments. The following two comments are complimentary. Instead of acknowledging those individuals and maybe saying thank you, you choose to go off ranting in the next comment about how the rest of us must be war loving satan worshipers because you got a few low ratings. Get over it. It happens to us all. Your averages are approaching 6/6. Sorry if I don't shed a tear.


Anyway, see ya!!!!

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Your portfolio was also the Featured Portfolio on the home page for several weeks. If a few negative comments and low ratings are enough to make you want to delete your portfolio after all the visibility, positive comments, and high ratings you have received, you can do so, of course. Thanks for the time your portfolio was gracing the site.
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Hi Skip,

just about every photo in your entire portfolio is fantastic and carries much emotions. I hope you wouldn't get too upset about the numeric rating system - it's hard to judge a piece of art by assigning it a number anyway. Also, those who judged you badly, perhaps take a look at their portfolio (if they have any!) and you may longer put so much weight on what they have to say about your beautiful photos.

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thanks for the encouragement... but to the person who "won't shed a tear.." I guess I'm

just a bit too sensitive for this board. Yes, I get some very nice comments and those

always make my week for sure. But, you watch what's happening in Iraq... You watch how

are leaders are "lookin' out for us"... You watch how a Tsunami takes out countless

innocents and hear of the corruption with donated relief funds... You watch a hurricane

destroy a city and how because most of the people are poor, the government leaders many

hold in such high esteme seem indifferent.... going to fund raisers and knapping instead

of going to the site like they did in Florida's last disaster (oh, wait.. that was just before an

election wasn't it? Guess "we" don't really matter anymore... at least those of us who don't

belong to the country club.... THEN, you try to tune all of that out and look for little bits of

beauty in the world... try to communicate with your fellow human beings in the only way

you know how... And, what do you get? Some dimwit who has nothing better to do with

their time than to insult those who're trying to share. Honestly, I use places like this as a

refuge. But when you find the "refuge" is polluted with malcontents... should you whine

about it? Or, just pick up your marbles and go home?

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First, let me just say that I knew nothing of your views, opinions, or beliefs before today. Obviously, I still don't, really. My only interaction with your images, that I can remember, was a multiple bottle picture which I liked a lot.


Now, in response to what you write: You catalog every negative thing that happens in the world and then "...you try to tune all of that out and look for little bits of beauty in the world...". ON THE INTERNET??? Astonishing!


You say you "...try to communicate with your fellow human beings in the only way you know how...". I'll be one of the very first to acknowledge the beauty of, and talent reflected in, your pictures. Many of your pictures are very expressive. But communication is usually bi-directional. Of the 36 comments you have made on gallery photos in the past eight months, eight have been on the photos of other photographers. I don't think you're here to communicate but rather to have praise rain down on you.


When people have mentioned things they don't like in your pictures or suggested possible improvements you haven't shown the attitude of someone wanting to communicate. Rather, you have given flippant responses. The one that comes to mind is suggesting the reviewer may need to have an eye exam.


I respect John Crosley's contributions to this site and so I questioned my level of irritation with this thread. But, I also know I don't always agree with John. So, I'm sorry but if you can't put up with a little bad while receiving much good, my vote is marbles. But, if you really wanted to just pick up your marbles you would have done so quietly.

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You know what Skip, my company is located in New Orleans. Because I'm one of the few employess located elsewhere, I've spent the majority of the week dealing with the aftermath of the storm. While I could dwell on the looting, corruption, insensitivity of a few, I've chosen to marvel at the outpouring of support by our clients and my companies' leadership. They far outweigh and outnumber the bad apples. They just don't get the press coverage.


If during this time of challenge, you're so concerned about a few low rates instead of relishing all the positive comments, I feel for you. You have bigger problems than a little negative feedback. That despite all the visibility you've had on this site, you haven't bothered to spend more time offering constructive feedback is very telling. Perhaps you're not much different than the politicians you've complained about-in it just for yourself. It's a shame because you do have some beautiful work. Other than your images what have YOU contributed to this community?

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Well! Jamie and Laurie... aren't YOU two awfully friendly. I'm not going to bother either of you

with any more of this. I asked a simple question on how to delete my gallery. YOU Jaime

graciously answered the question with annecdote that confirmed this really isn't the sort of

place for me. But, thanks for the instruction. AND, to both of you... I wasn't looking for

beauty on the internet. I was out traveling looking for it to photograph, bring it home, and

share it with others. Nothing more. I haven't posted much because I've been traveling in

Mexico on a motorcycle for the last two months... and I try to travel when I get the chance.

I'm not always around to post comments. But, if that's the impression the two of you have of

me... so be it. Thanks for the instruction on how to disappear. Much appreciated.

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one more thing.. A warm thanks to all who've appreciated my contributions here. I'm

deleting my gallery.. but I'm easy enough to find on other sites. If you'd like to view some

recent images from my 2 month odyssey through Mexico and the Baja on a motorcyle...

you can view some simple galleries at these links:








Thanks again and happy shooting! And buenas suerte to those struggling with the New

Orleans disaster.

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Harvey, no it does not actually! Mr. Hunt is a highly opionated person who makes no bones about his politics. He happens to be a very talented photographer, who like most talented artists, is a little on the sensitive side. I will be disappointed if he pulls his images and abandons PN because I really think he is one of the best shooters on this site. He has a very sophisticated vision that I appreciate. I like having a wide variety of image makers to look at here on PN. I am extremely happy to not have the site filled with boring wishy-washy guys like myself. I say that we make Skip go against his better judgement and stick around for awhile. That's my story and I am sticking to it.
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Agree with Tim totally. I know Skip from a couple other sites on the net and have always found him engaging and willing to discuss his images honestly. Skip has contributed commentary to much greater lengths on other sites.


I am a little surprised by his decision. Featured artist and lots of great comments all in 9 months is a testiment to his ability. I never thought a few low balls or screwy comments would send him to the hills. I have never seen him like this before. Maybe P.net just isn't for him. He puts tons of effort into his images. Seeing 1's put to them might be a bit more that he was willing to take while crap abounds. Don't know. IMO, it's a loss to the community because when he does take to a site he is a wonderful contributor...

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Tim, I respect your opinion, and agree that great photos are a welcome delight and inspiration for us all. But, Photo.net is listed as a learning community, not a showcase where only rainbows and sunshine cascade from the worshipping masses. I'm certain I'd have seen that written somewhere. I'll never understand how people misread "Critique Forum" as "Place to Prasie My Awesomeness," and get bent out of shape when not everyone fawns.


Skip makes the third guy in three or four months that's done this sort of tantrum display, too (but he sets a precedent for someone to do it who's been featured in Portfolio of the Month). The others returned days later or never left, with empty "threats." So, if you're going to credit Skip, I'd suggest the option of crediting him for where he's really earned it... his conviction that he's too above this site to participate, and his follow-through in the deleting of his folders.


I've got to get going - gotta drop my Republican Party Donation check in the mail, loot some drugstores, slam a few photo.net egos for sport, and make it to a 5:30 t-time at the country club. TTFN

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Hey folks. When I first started this thread I was annoyed at the fact that EVERYTIME I

upload a new image there's ALWAYS an annoymous person who feels compelled to drive

the average down. Had just got sick of it. So... I only asked "if one decides to delete...". I

probably wouldn't have deleted the whole thing. But, this thread really woke me up to what

kind of people are roaming on this site. Some seemingly pretty ugly folks IMO. And some

who're pretty grand I must say.


I contribute to several sites, many photo sites, many travel sites, and now many

motorcycle touring sites with trip reports and photos... and I realized how much freakin'

time I was spending trying to participate on them all. TOO MUCH! And decided I should

thin it out a bit by picking a few sites to pull up stakes from. What better site to pick than

one that so quickly generates very ugly responses to a simple question and statement of



I thought to myself, "Gee! And I thought most of the community here was pretty friendly..

seems like there are quite a few here who're more than happy to see me take off. Oh well.

Here's to the first gallery to get the axe."


Still, I have to wonder about some of these particularly ugly responses and the fact their

accounts like "Kerry Johns" has only been created it seems to only reply to this thread. Or,

those who've criticized me and don't even have any photos here themselves! What's up

with that? So, I'm getting a pretty good idea who the sort of person is here who is so angry

and discontent that they have nothing else better to do than to try to make other's sad.

Very curious though. Do they lead such pathetic lives and are soooo unhappy and

powerless that taking pot shots anonymously on various sites makes them feel "bigger" or

something? Does it give them some sort of rush? Very curious how some of these very sad

folks mind's operate.


However, I tempted to at some point start uploading here again for no other reason that to

continue to annoy those who seem all to happy that I left. But for now if I'm going to

partipate anywhere, I think I'd prefer sites with a slightly lower hateful-user quotient.

There are several folks here who're top-notch... but, so many more who seem to be so

unhappy in general that they get a real charge out of negativity. I'd rather just let them

fester alone and participate elsewhere for awhile. Who knows? Maybe after these people

have run off enough people... they'll get bored stewing altogether in their own boiling

pestilence that they'll simply just die out or evaporate. ;-)


Also, like I said... I've got images on several sites. And there were no images here that

aren't somewhere else as well. I use the same username everywhere... so just google it to

find me. One I keep up with and houses everything I had here and about 220 more... is



I like the layout of this site, and the focus on technique, etc. And, there's so many

awesome photographers here. I commend the site administrators for what the site likely

used to be. Pitty it has so many malcontents with nothing better to do than to pollute a

perfectly good site.

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I hope that people don't buy into Skip's pathos. It has been said many times: this site isn't for everyone. A prerequisite is at least a modestly thick skin.


But I get a since from Skip's political writings and from his response to unfair ratings that he relishes his victimhood. Most people simply stop participating when it stops being fun, but some want to dramatically play out the role of the misunderstood, mistreated good guy.


I don't know, perhaps he has earned the right to play that role. Feel free to pour praise and sympathy on him. Perhaps, like others before him, he will enjoy it so much that he will return so he can repeat the role all over again at a later date.


But let's not buy into the idea that this site is bad place or unworthy of someone of his talents. I wish everyone who comes to this site could understand and accept that this is a large community which encompasses a very broad range of both talent and behavior.


Please, ignore the bad; enjoy the good.

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Skip, based on the support you've gotten from several photographers whom I respect, you must not be all that bad. However, if you re-read your 1st and 2nd posts above, what are those that know of you, only from this site supposed to think?


You stated in your last post " but, so many more who seem to be so unhappy in general that they get a real charge out of negativity."


That's exactly how you come across in this thread. Re-read your second post above. You were dwelling on a few meaningless low rates vs. a tremendous amount of positive feedback and exposure, despite the fact that you haven't offered much feedback to other photographers on this site. You were focusing on the negative. Had you simply stated that you were short on time and have decided to focus on a few other sites, responses to your post would have been different.


Should you decide to stick around, I hope you're able to find the time to offer constructive feedback to other photographers on the site. While it's enjoyable to view wonderful photographs, the real value in the site is the sharing of knowledge. Numerical ratings mean nothing.


Good luck to you.

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Serene.. Likely I'll be back. No plans on repeating "drama" or anything. But I need to give

you a little current backstory. I've been traveling the last 2 months by motorcycle in

Mexico. I was able to avoid most news, most of the time. And most didn't seem to care

one way or the other regarding Bush and Iraq, etc. So, it was SOOOOOO refreshing to just

"live" and be happy for the most part. Then, I crossed the border from a peaceful (but hot)

desert and rode up to Las Vegas. Talk about a shock. I'd been there before but not just

coming from such a peaceful solitude. THEN I decide because I'd never read "The Catcher

and the Rye", nor finished "The Plague", by Camus... I'd finish them up on the road. I don't

know if you're familiar with these books, but although they're both outstanding peices of

literature.. they're also major downers.


Then, just as soon as I get back... I take a ride up to Crawford, Texas to show my support

for one American who was excercising her right to question her government. But all these

really hateful people also showed up to yell really unbelievable things at those who want

nothing more than peace and the safe return of our soldiers.


Ok, you take all that recent back history and the fact it came right on the heels and in the

face of a very peaceful journey... decide you'll just try to tune all of that out and grasp at

your fresh memories of solace and peace... you decide, "Hey, maybe others can feel a little

of this Peace too if I write something descriptive and poetic to go with it.." Ya know... try

to share and help out others too in case they're feeling a bit of the general "pathos" and

need a moment of peace as well. Then, you get slammed by the few here who relish in

attacking people and anonymously trashing their images. Well, if you were me... with that

particular recent backstory... wouldn't you TOO feel like asking, "What's the point?"


And, if I'm NOW contributing to the very negativity I disdain.... then all the more reason for

me to take a "time out." This is a good site overall, with just a few really rotten apples

bobbing about spoiling the stew. I know this is the same with just about any site or

community. I just am a bit on the "raw" side at the moment and have probably allowed

these few dimwits to get the best of me. I'll be back to normal soon enough with my skin

all thickened back up again. I took off that "thick skin" while in Mexico "being"... and, I

must've left it down there somewhere. As soon as I grow a fresh one, I'm sure I'll be back.

Thanks all.

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Skip, the answer to the fourth paragraph of your question above is "yes, they do seem to lead such pathetic lives." Bogus accounts created here to engage in attacks has been an issue for many, for a long while. Wish I could say I'd seen a way to police cyberspace better.


I'm sorry to jump on your sh**, but man, if you think your pics have been harassed, you ain't seen nuthin' - people here with esteem issues will go to huge lengths to make you miserable. That'll happen - I don't know where you work, but I haven't had a single job where that too doesn't go on at my offices. Just remember this, using your own metaphor - for every person looting in New Orleans, there are likely two thousand helping those in need.


Echoing Laurie, taking a deep breath and a self-reflective moment during a step-back might be good remedy to your malaise. Fact is, a lot of people with a lot more time invested than mere image posting (and too a paid membership)here get worse. Historically, even, note that posting such statements in this forum gets even more of a target painted on your back, as you broadcast your frustration - they know they're succeeding.


'Nuff said. Good luck.

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Yes, Skip, I am friendly and respectful of others whether they like my pictures or not. I'm comfortable with that.


Good to see you're looking inward a little. If you do come back you need to remember not everyone will like all of your work. No one is out to get you through ratings. But, if they are, you are giving them what they want by exploding in frustration and negativity.


Finally, just as you feel free to express your opinions so may others.

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