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Replace Lugs on M3?

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DAG replaced the strap lugs on my M2 about a year ago. I don't recall the exact price of the replacement because he did other things to it as well, but I don't recall it being very much (perhaps $50).


As has been suggested, send him an email - dagcam@chorus.net - for exact price and turnaround time.

When you come to a fork in the road, take it ...

– Yogi Berra


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I have a related question. How would you know when you should replace the lugs? One of my lugs does rotate fairly freely, but I have sent it in to Kindermann twice for service and fixing the lugs has not been brought to my attention. I would assume that if they needed replacing then Kindermann would have one of those times.
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Branden: Your strap lugs should be a solid fixture of the camera. If they're rotating it means eventually you'll get a light leak. Always point these issues out when your camera goes in for repair. To anser your question, the strap lugs on an M camera should never need to be replaced unless they're lose (like yours are). I only had mine replaced because I was having the camera reconditioned.

When you come to a fork in the road, take it ...

– Yogi Berra


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Interesting. I never really thought about the possibility of light leaks, but then again as of yet I haven't had any. I was more concerned about the rivet giving out completely and pulling out. I've already dropped my M2 once in the past year and am not really looking to repeat that! Then again, the loose lug is on the cartridge side, not the spool side, if that may make a light leak less likely. I love alliteration.

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Braden, my guess is that Kindermann doesn't replace the lugs unless you ask them. I had my M4 CLA'd there a couple of months ago. One of the lugs was loose and they tightened it, but had I thought of it at the time, I would have asked them to replace both lugs.


For a camera that is supposed to be so well built, I can't understand why Leica didn't put steel inserts into the lugs so they don't wear out so much.

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Don Goldberg ("DAG") once told me I would never again carry my M camera with a strap if I had a full appreciation for how little metal was holding that lug in place. Steel strap lugs were one of the very few improvements during the M6 run. The strap lugs were formerly made of brass.

When you come to a fork in the road, take it ...

– Yogi Berra


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I have seen a M4 fitted with lug from M6 or later models. We all know the damge which

can be caused by using those early Leitz leather belt, with its steel ring, which Luigi still

uses now! The modern Leica nylon belt is very easy to use, and save a whole generation of

Leica M from ugly disfiguration. (the next disfiguration is the Leica meter.)

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