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How can I make money with my photographs?

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Maybe someone can give me some fresh ideas... I have a long

experience in b&w photography, portraits, nudes, etc. Since I'm an

immigrant with a so-so English - my attempts to start a portrait (

studio) business in Canada were not successful ( it is totally

understandable- people just don?t want to do a business with a not

fluently speaking person and the work of a portrait photographer is

80% - communication, marketing, etc.

I can sell my nudes on E-bay and do it quite often, but the prices

there are VERY small. Usually I'm able to sell an 11x14 nude for $

40.00-$ 50.00 (fiber based hand printed, spotted, signed picture,

usually toned in sepia or gold toner). After the auction fees and

paper and chemicals and... you can see that this selling on E-bay -

it is more for fan.

I have about 50-60 good nudes, which, I think can be exhibited in

galleries, but so far no one gallery was interested... locks like

they are not interested in finding new talents at all..

Maybe someone can give me some new ideas, how I can make some

additional money with my art?

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Hi, I am a beginner and I think that sometimes there is alot of competition amongst the newer Arts. Sometimes taking a step back helps, it makes what you can do appeal to people who want to buy it.

Some people will always want the latest digital prints etc, whilst others will not. There are always people who will appreciate something hand made. Your sales on ebay whilst fine may not be doing you any favours, in the long run. Maybe you can approach friends or people who you think will help you to integrate your work in a better-paid kinda way. I would find making money off photography to be a challenge and I prefer to shoot for fun and pleasure.


Sometimes people like to spend their money on things, so try to find people and with money. The idea that your command of English as a language is unhelpful may be true, but photos spaek a thousand words.


In my work I don't need to talk much, my work is sold by what it is.

Perhaps you can find a good friend to act as an agent for sales.



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Here is a 'suggestion' -- you may have to look for other ways to earn money to get through the day (eating, paying utility bills, and whatever else makes your budget continue to the next day.) Keep your work with nudes as a sideline for now: visit the local church and see if you can get involved with anything requiring 'photography.' Be it a low-budget wedding, a anniversary, the annual First Holy Communion event, a church directory (a booklet of images done by some churches with a photo of every family belonging to the church.) The same approach (with a local high school and the sports programs) may lead you to earning some extra income. It takes footwork and effort on your part.




Good luck!

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<blockquote><I>...I have about 50-60 good nudes, which, I think can be exhibited in

galleries, but so far no one gallery was interested... locks like they are not interested in

finding new talents at all... </I></blockquote><P>Commercial galleries are always

interested in finding new talent, but they are interested in finding new talent whose work

they think will sell to their client base and will not hurt their existing stable of

artists.<P>So the first question I think that is worth asking is: Have the galleries you

contacted been galleries that you know regularly deal in work similar to what you do? Also


persistant are you? How many galleries outside of where you now live have you contacted?

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Some of my old nudes (2001 and earlier) you can find on this my old site. I have MUCH more... The only subject in photography I'm interested (and experienced) is people (not only nudes, but portraits, frankly, I prefer portraits much more - a classic style b&w ones...) The problem with the galleries here in Vancouver... there aren?t any - maybe just one, but this one is closed most of the times. I tried to show my nudes to restraints owners, but they are too conservative here... they afraid to put the nudes on the walls...

I have a day time job to pay my bills (I work as a research associate in a chemical lab) - the only trouble with this job is - I'm too tired after this job do my photography... and it doesn?t give a lot of money - just enough to pay bills, nothing extra. That is the reason I try to commercialize my passion - photography, but I get a very little success so far...

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Seems to me that there might be an opportunity to open a gallery yourself, if they are almost non-existent in Vancouver. I've heard its a strong cultural city, so rent a shop and hang your work and that of others.


Be reasonable with commissions, watch what sells closely and restock almost wholly the stuff that sells. But keep adding a small amount of new or "different" work as well to keep the display fresh.

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