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looking for money for school

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Hello, I just finished looking up "deductible" on dictionary.com I

feel like im facing the world as an adult. I'm just wondering about

resources for photo school money. I just got into RIT PJ with about

87% scholarship but theres still LOTS OF COSTS. My portfolio got me

out of the first two semesters so I'm a decent photographer and I

have very good grades. Besides scholarship websites WHERE DO PHOTO

STUDENTS LOOK FOR MONEY? contests, corporate solicitation, any

techniques for getting reviewers attention.

I've been printing a picture on the outside of the mail envelope with

the liquid light stuff, I've sent a 5'x5' jackson pollock box to

Kodak's financial head. Please help, i think this thread needs to be

on hear anyway.

best regards,


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When I was in college; I used a tlr and a 35mm to shoot portraits; also to shoot parties; things and events not as well covered by locals. There must be a basic hunger; a hussle factor; sales mode looking for work. There are things one can learn in the hussle never taught in college. If you are going to work with photography you might as well earn some money shooting images. There is work out there; you must go fishing for it. You might find you like one type of photo work; and hate another type.
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If there's free money going, I want some too.


If your photography is good enough, sell it, either as art or stock. Get money the old fashioned way. Earn it. If you can't sell your work, then maybe it's not as good as you think it is.

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