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Does pulling of the film help

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I have been doing BW for just 3 years, Mad about grain in the print,tried and standardised a system for pushing the flm ( Kodak academy 200, Tmax 400 ) Now I want to try out pulling. Can anyone tell me, does Pulling the film gives you a better grain quality than it would give in Normal conditions?

Please help


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My experience with pulled film is somewhat limited, but what I can tell you is that it gives you smoother tonal transitions than normal; if you are

working high-key, or at the limits of your film's latitude, pulling can be a good idea. If pulling does affect grain, though, it has only done so

minimally in my own experience.

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if you are looking to reduce the grain size in your film, the

developer you choose to use can have a large effect on it. Some

developers have a high concentration of sodium sulphite, this will

decrease the size of your grain clusters... HOWEVER, it will also

decrease the acutance of the grain, giving your photos a softer (or

less harsh) look. If you very happy with the look ( - the grain ) of

the film/dev. combo you are using, shoot a larger negative... this

will drastically decrease your grain size. Sean

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hey man shreepad, kodak academy 200 in one hell of a bad ass film.

i've suffered this film for an year, but recovered, saw the light ,

moved onto ilford.




kodak guys wrote me that they make this film for third world

countries(this film is heavily sold in india and i think,also in

russia). they don't even list this film in their homepage.




this film has football size grain, bad halation, bleeds like a leech

and screws up my fixer.





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