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Freeware image cataloging software?

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I'm after some software or a solution that performs a few basic

tasks. I am scanning in my old negs and slides and want some way to

catalogue them, and archive them on CD/DVD but still have a

searchable database on the pc.


I don't need any image editing features and will burn the CD/DVDs

with my existing software.


Is there anything that fits this bill? My thought is that there

might be some freeware or shareware that might do this but don't

know what to search for.





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It isn't freeware but iMatch will do what you want for $60. It's got excellent image cataloging and keywording and allows you to store stuff on removable media like CDs and DVDs.


Hopefully someone will come up with a freeware version for you but if not you could create a simple database in Access that lists each image, the number of the CD it is on and a few keywords if that's all you want.

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