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Any opinions on solid-state camcorders?


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My Mini-DV camcorder has failed me too many times. (Eating tapes,

overheating, etc., even after it came back from the shop. Don't ever

buy a discontinued store display item.) I found out I can send it in

for a total refurbishment for less than a new one, but I've got a trip

coming up in a few weeks (not enough time).


As an inexpensive solution, I have been considering getting one of

those pocket-size camcorders that uses flash memory instead of a tape

(e.g. Aiptek IS-DV). The high end for these seems to be around $150,

at which point you can get one that records in MPEG-4 (sufficient for

my projects), uses a lithium-ion battery instead of AA's, records 30

frames per second at 640x480 resolution, and also functions as an

audio recorder. I like the idea of having no moving parts to worry about.


I'll also be bringing along a Sony DSC-F828 digital camera, but I have

ruled out relying on its movie mode for video (with the exception of

near-darkness conditions), because the Memory Stick Pro that would

allow 30 frames per second costs more than some camcorders. (Also, I

might want to do stills and video at the same time... tricky, but not

impossible.) Since the 828 is a big, two-handed camera, it would be

nice if I can stash the other camera in my pocket when I'm not using it.


I'll be bringing a laptop and an 80-GB external HD along on this trip,

so I figure a couple of 1/2-GB cards and an extra battery are all I'd

need to shoot all the video I want. The trip is to a convention in a

hotel, so I can easily get to the laptop (upstairs in a hotel room) to

transfer pictures and video off the cards).


The lighting conditions I'll be in are typical of the convention space

in a hotel: mostly lit by recessed ceiling lamps retrofitted with

compact fluorescent bulbs. How well do these types of cameras perform

with that as the available light?


Anyway, having shared all that, I would like to hear from anyone who

has had any experience (good or bad) with solid-state camcorders and

who can comment on their reliability.



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Sony and their memory sticks - thats why I never point any of my friends to SONY cameras when asking 'what to buy'.


Proprietary means bad for user, good for manufacturer, unless there is no "common" eqivalent of simillar parameters..

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The 828 takes CF cards too, and can be set it to lower resolution and greater compression in movie mode if you wish (MPEG1, I believe - don't have the manual in front of me). <br><br>

Those inexpensive cameras have very slow lenses only good for outdoor sunny days. I'd stay away from them, although admittedly they're rather cute and have some gadget value.

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My Sony miniDV has major noise problems in this setting. Have you tried your 828 movie mode in similar lighting conditions? Not good.


Do you think any $150 camera would a smaller chip fare better?


So the Memory Stick Duo is more a better deal because it is something that you may actually use after the conference.

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