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Polaroid 110b to 4x5 graflok conversion-any instructions available?

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After they assure you that your words are of no value they then tell you that you must reply by reading an answer from a cue card and unless you agree or you have a bigger gun and prepared to use it then you better butt off!


Someone tells you they have asked 3 times and you haven't answered and they still remind you I would say its a little pushy.

don't give me advice on manners.


Mr. Griffin Have you aggrandized your position by these actions? I see that you are now the one who believes to be holding the pan by the handle by putting me against a wall and hoping to have a direct effect on the outcome of these matters.


I will not be pressured further when it is clear the whole thing is rigged. thank you. Relax!

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I will admit that it seems that everyone is out to get you. I am.


But here's a tip-- if you feel that everyone is out to get you for no good reason, you may be paranoid. More likely, you're just not seeing the reason.


If you did not post on these threads, anyone reading them would assume that we were a petty little cliique with a grudge. You contributions will keep almost anyone from wanting to support you or youur business. The best thing you could do is to let someone else handle your PR and let a lawyer handle your patent.


I tried to make this point way back at the beginning of the thread, and others have reinforced it: It is quite clear to me that you know that you have no leagal recourse since you have not taken any legal action.


Now stop.

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"Pushy", William? That's sounds like the pot calling the kettle black, coming from the bloke who pounces on any thread containing "Polaroid 4x5 conversion" spouting legalese, and follows up with a few hundred lines of white noise in an effort to stifle discussion of the topic. Why on earth shouldn't you be called to account for this behaviour?
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that isnt what that meant anyway.


but let me say that in the eyes of anyone normal there is no need for a jury to decide on whether the people who admitted to instigate these subjects into PN have done so for their own benefit while admitting that the outcome of any such discussion would have a pre determined answer. and that is then turned into a jubillee unless

a gun is fired. That is not the way things work anyway. the chips will fall where they may but people who trust these forums already have the answer, the so called instigation admitted that any outcome was rigged from day 1 as they have so have their supporters and whether anyone made anything previously does not require a firestorm

but a simple submission of prior art.

Thank you and best of luck

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We all know who will need 'The best of luck' Mr Littman. I tried to find the French translation for 'His skull is as thick as my lathe bed' but I failed. Never mind a lawyer, perhaps a psychologist would prove more beneficial? I have recently witnessed many different approaches to the 4x5 Polaroid conversion, none of which faintly resemble a Littman 45, so I fail to understand all the furore.

Any improvement, conversion or modification to a Polaroid camera is simple mechanics, with no 'prior art' involved. Go for it Paul, there are far more ideas regarding this topic than Mr G ever imagined. I would love to discuss all of them.................obviously with one exception. Perhaps then, the self titled 'Ogre' might refrain from comment? I have been contemplating a 'Do it Yourself' kit to quickly and cheaply modify Polars to 4x5, but would that be considered 'prior art'. Would I then need a 'Patent'?

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You don't seem to understand much at all!



a kit with components would be " contributory patent infringement/ indirect infringement.




By the way, you erupted Polaroid tsunami In September of 2003 flooding PN with your rigged presentations while telling all that the value of my word and product is just words or smoke and mirrors , and What I see is that you have gone to extensive connivances to rig the value of yours at my expense and the shill shill after you tell me to shut up while admitting that My ideas were the best way then apparently you believe such journalistic achievement is well merited / free of conflict of interest and well deserved.


I am glad to read you admit that you have recently "witnessed"


If we are drowning in murky wavy waters of your solicitation which have been shown to be destructive find the decency to pull the plug once and for all.don't you understand that whether you are entitled to build is one thing but I do not accept that you have questioned the value of my product using words like" overpriced" then I get to find out that you have rigged the price of what you sell and that of others while shushing everyone who would prefer my product with the aid of bullies and when I verify that you have tampered with discussions and for years making assurances as to the value of both products and when the extent or existence of prior art has been presented by you in a manner which resembles shill bidding as well

I believe it is time for you to realize that the defiance/ denial no longer flies.


By the way Scott , (Patrie)means republic. someone from (PN) named Scott requested my email address a few hours after you posted yet another misleading comment with your (SIC) logo earlier this month and requested printed matter on my products because supposedly his father was averse to the internet.... . I don't know if it was you but that isn't the point


It is very good when people realize that when someone said I would brake into their email folders they said so out of resentment and that will be very good for business.


Mr. Jones thank you for keep telling me to go away there is lots of " prior art" on that one

and what you did in PN as fulfillment of earlier threats and still do is interfere for the purpose of solicitation.


Before anything you might want to consider the concept of conflict of interest, this a website where people post opinions/ expect honest opinions you have gone to great length to show that you don't care either way and it is perfectly clear.


The next time you consider introducing a product you may consider that people in buisness have expenses and if consulting someone

before you proceed annoys you remember that everyone else can live with it.


It amazes me that after all you are still trying to have the last word while shushing me but that was your plan as admitted thruout, you have demonstrated it beyond a shadow of a doubt.

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Your sense of humour has obviously gone down the toilet, most likely your 'patent' and your good self will follow. I cannot believe the level of arrogance you constantly display. What makes you think you are so important?, I consider you nothing more than a 'scared little weird guy' with a HUGE inferiority complex and a mediocre product.......... Just stop harrassing contributors to PN.
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Important? why should I have to be, we learn yet another pre requisite is needed .


I believe it may be you who has an issue with importance because when I said store clerk you felt that was demeaning , I once worked as a store clerk while in college and had lots of fun but you made sure to remind me that I am a little guy. I am so what 5.10 is not that little . I'm certainly not scared of you and we understand that you presented all this to PN to intimidate me into waiving my legal rights as you keep demonstrating, and as to your contribution if you believe that admittedly admitting mine is the best way then offering to give it away to make yourself popular amongst freebie lovers while making me look bad if I would rather introduce a product on my own timing and choice then you say I am unimportant. lets agree if it lets you sleep better . I don't need to be important, maybe I am maybe I am not but that is not a requirement in these matters but anyone who can read know that those who have the B to tell all that they should remember that the words of others are " just words" or so far " of no value" are the ones who seek importance at the expense of others. Stop it


As I said rigged from day one!

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Mr Littman, with all your apparent wealth of experience and supposed capability, why don`t you make some contribution to the question posted by Paul? Do you infact know anything about designing and building cameras?. I have not seen any evidence that you know anything at all. I am starting to think that a Littman 45 is simply yours in name only and totally engineered by someone else. What about some mechanical, scientific or engineering facts? What about some ideas?

Perhaps you know nothing at all? Simply put, offer Paul some advice on how to attempt his Polaroid 4x5 conversion, or get off the drug you are currently using and go away. Thank God the new Polaroid conversion group started by Umit recently, will see you and your 'patents' banned.

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I thank God for a lot of things and for the patience to endure your defiance and insults this long.

And that thank my friends and family to forgive me for having had less time for them since .

When you first came thru with your threats your very first words were aimed at discrediting me raising doubts about my reputation"I have recently noticed that a certain member of the photograhic fraternity, supposedly well respected and known 09 12 03." and at the end of a long journey you use the same exact words"Mr. Littman, with all your apparent wealth of experience and supposed capability"

and many other such questions as to raise doubt.


You say that unless your coercion to force me to disclose technical info proves successful I should go away / shut up and then you have disclosed technical data about a product I was considering and if the IP was public domain because it was disclosed in the patents you still called it your own as to discredit me further, forcing me to introduce it. you have done the same with a lot of partial modifications which do not pertain to the format conversion itself.


After you have aggrandized yourself at my expense and proudly admit that as a result of your instigation you have managed to sprout further competitors who were PN members which in turn come here to announce their services then the admission is full circle.


I believe all PN members are equally important but certain that you feel to be the most Important and with the utmost authority since after you raised questions about my importance and later on coerced me with discredit into a negotiation you decreed a set of rules that you insisted all of PN should abide by as per" your opinion"I`m sure that any future action taken against ideas that do not infringe upon the rights of Mr Littman or his methods of attaining 4x5 or other formats would be met with disdain and result in appropriate action through this medium arising once again. It is for this reason that such a posting has such an active role in self regulation. My thanks to all and cheers!10 13 03" and as you "are important" and you say I am not I followed "your instructions" whenever you proceeded to give away what you said should be respected/ not yours while you pose as the owner of such IP.


You then used " the minions of us" as shields who reminded me that the linens were getting spoiled at the tea party to which I replied that I was under your instruction to address these matters. I did so in many occasions with precise tech data and your response was that the subject matter did not belong to the discussion you still pull out that card every time just as you presume to be a tough guy but I see that to do this you have to use the public as a shield / hide behind the banner of jubilees or the instigation you have fuelled in " the minions of us" while the little guy Unimportant me has taken you on by myself ,

afraid? not.


You believe you are so important as to decree rules that all of PN should follow and important enough to insist they do not apply to you, you believe to be so Important as to be the only merchant entitled to start threads offering your services in early 2003 but nobody attended so trashing me as you threatened proved a publicity you could use/ I felt differently. and as per your opinion" everybody can do things differently" but I also see that you have aggrandized yourself to have the authority to tell everyone what to do.


As per the rules you decreed your behavior is harassment, you assured all that you would not resort to this and you have betrayed their trust/ ask them with conviction to doubt me further unless I yield to your coercion.


And you reminding us that yet another person who is a member would show up here announce his services as if it were those of someone else and then you represent that he would later " ban" my rights you again prove that you have no reservation jumping the gun counting the chickens before they hatch as you have all along.


Listen tough guy , nothing will change with my patents nor is it ethical for you to make public determinations as have others . If any change would occur it would be announced by the proper authority. You must believe this is groundless because you refuse to land but that is about it.

the rest is defiance and instigation.


As far as contribution goes I tried to address tech matters in the past and you replied with insults and so I had to go on to purchase cameras to be able to prove that the modifications you and others insisted were not required were and that you would have had to implement them. In any event you told me to go away when I addressed tech matters as well. but you started it all for the very same reason.


You are the important person who said I have no qualifications as you have referred to everyone qualified who has preferred my product or appreciated my knowledge that in what refferes to the techinical stuff and those who need to kiss in public are believed to be looking for publicity. we know you are because otherwise after announcing you would email My IP while calling it yours you could have done so privately but no clearly these matters have landed here as a means of solicitation and coercion,Someone started a thread asking a related question recently and when he said to have contacted you the next thing that happened is he started a second thread as was your original modus operandi and that of others you have instigated.

Being that PN has a strict policy forbidding solicitation and you keep introducing products and invite others to do so as well with your instigation I invite you to respect the policies of this server .


I know you feel to be the most important in PN but the little guy here feels important enough to have his rights respected .


Thank you.



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One of the the auctions # where Jones bid on Schwartz auction was 2924747034

and a recent one of the Auctions where Schwartz bid on Jones auctions below:


Item Start End Price Title High Bidder Seller

3876263486 Feb-21-05 Feb-28-05 01:40:23 US $600.00 Polaroid J66 converted to 6x17 same vintage as 110B bluth-ent (*) razzledog





Only actual bids (not automatic bids generated up to a bidder's maximum) are shown. Automatic bids may be placed days or hours before a listing ends. Learn more about bidding.

User ID Bid Amount Date of bid


bluth-ent ( 620) US $600.00 Feb-27-05 21:49:29 PST




bluth-ent ( 620) US $600.00 Feb-24-05 22:57:54 PST



linrahr ( 5 ) US $550.00 Feb-24-05 13:28:59 PST



linrahr ( 5 ) US $500.00 Feb-24-05 13:28:33 PST



linrahr ( 5 ) US $400.00 Feb-24-05 13:28:12 PST



linrahr ( 5 ) US $350.00 Feb-24-05 13:27:43 PST



ronold1964 ( 5 ) US $290.00 Feb-24-05 12:47:55 PST



ronold1964 ( 5 ) US $211.00 Feb-24-05 12:34:30 PST



caxea ( 76) US $100.00 Feb-23-05 00:36:54 PST



hiro01335 ( 87) US $85.00 Feb-24-05 08:13:19 PST



noahgoodeal ( 230) US $80.08 Feb-23-05 08:11:37 PST



dataroach ( 44) US $43.00 Feb-22-05 14:04:11 PST



bellowsdraw ( 278) US $35.00 Feb-22-05 16:30:51 PST



mvhhr ( 77) US $33.00 Feb-22-05 07:47:08 PST



mvhhr ( 77) US $28.00 Feb-22-05 07:46:54 PST



rolleiflex55 ( 296) US $25.99 Feb-21-05 15:26:24 PST



while it is an unrelated product it shows the cooperation has remained unchanged since it began. I believe respect is something else and does not require a gun.Mr. Schwartz believes differently after he has given a detailed account that since the early days those claiming invention are worthy of no respect, I also believe that showing up here with the admitted purpose of inciting litigation as he just stated representing that such photo amounts to prior art and proceed to make determinations for all is again no respect. The pricing considerations placed on my product as overpriced are hardly merited from someone who resorts to publicly inflating the price of his product thru such bidding.I understand that he has shaken a lot of hands in his life but do not apreciate that he has shaken PN so many times with alarmist statements like assuring that I would brake into peoples computers therefore I respect Nr Schwartz understanding of respect but I don't believe fear is a required factor of respect but to the contrary and on which not I wish Mr. Schwartz well and clearly ask that he don't resort to further of the same

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Well, SOMEONE deleted emails from you and your friends from my inbox!<p>

Guillermo, you're the QUEEN of shill bids and interference on ebay! I never know WHO I'm

dealing with on that

auction site any more because of you. ( If any of you out there on the internet don't believe

me, put a 4x5 Polaroid 110B up for sale on that site and see what happens! ) And I've

never bid on

anything I didn't intend to buy on that site, EVER. And as far as you saying that I don't

respect the USPTO, or Popular Photography, or Polaroid Corporation for doing what they've

done regarding you and your shabbily made fraud of a camera ? NOTHING COULD BE

FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH. You LIED to the USPTO about being the first to convert

Polaroid 110B's to 4x5. You LIED to Popular Photography about putting in innovative

features. And you MUST have LIED to Polaroid Corporation about your plans for your

company. <p> Then

you came after all of us. With the same sort of nonsense you write here, so none of us

knew exactly what to think. <p>Originally, we started posting on photo.net because

Guillermo would break into threads, EXACTLY as he's done here, and we would write in to

respond to his calling us, "RABBLE", or just on principle! <p>"Gee,", I thought, "He must

make one heck of a

camera!" <p>Then the reports started coming in to me from photographers. "The

rangefinder is off by EIGHTEEN INCHES ! It looks like he made it with a SHOVEL !" Then I

started hearing from repair technicians. "Oh, my! The rangefinder is a mess, and the

rubber he uses to wrap the camera! Oh it's awful! " But Guillermo had the nerve to buy

other peoples 4x5 Polaroid 110Bs, sabotage them, and photograph them and dissect them

on these threads.<p>Then, one fateful day, I was sent the photos of a Guillermoroid

Littman camera that I posted here earlier. I was shocked. How can he have the gall to

defend what he's done ? Does Guillermo think the photographer who paid at least a

couple of grand for that is happy with his experience ? ( He wasn't! )<p>Then I heard the

story of the Littman sighting nearby in Boston.

"Yeah, I saw one at a shoot in Boston. It was really cool!" ( He was a young kid. ) So I

asked him, " Really ? " What did it look like ? How was the quality of it ?" "Oh, he didn't let

me hold it," the kid said, "Oh, and it was covered in black (gaffers) tape."<p>Oh well, I had

a car covered in black gaffers tape that I thought was cool when I was that age.<p>The

point of all this is that we just want Guillermo to go away. Think we'd all agree to stop this

if Guillermo would stop waving his bogus patents around and leave us all alone. On ebay

and everywhere else. Take out all references to his patents and his derogatory, ' rabble',


about all of us on his web site and we'll stop. Otherwise, after I'm done, the Australian

shift will take over for me, and then the English shift will take over, and then I'll take over

from the English....

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MR. Jones has shown that he had no intention of respecting my patents when we find ourselves here 3 years later and states that what is documented as my invention is actually his idea.


When I first contacted him to say I had patent pending he replied it was a farce and would resort to leaving it up to the public. If these people have fulfilled their threats and after 3.5 years cannot provide me with prior art then all they had to do is comply because Schwartz insists to be knowledgeable in these matters and if he felt that he could substantiate his prior art in a lawsuit he would have proceeded full force while ignoring me because he would have had no risk.


Instead they used banana peels to misrepresent the fact that they were informed of the patent pending which would have made any such offer an infringement retroactive when patent is issued even if no damages could be collected for those it would have been an infringement if so found. enough for injunction,


In any event I can prove now that all they had to do is either submit prior art or comply and that they resorted to a series of maneuvers to attack me from all corners of the globe as he offers to do again.


Compliance and not defiance was expected either prior art was submitted or they could have proceeded if they felt that had no risk as my patents were groundless. Instead they chose to start the threads by insisting that the prior art was submitted and all the misrepresentations about the knowledge of who I was etc etc.


In the same manner that Mr. Schwartz knows that prior art is not something that after you represent to have must submit or not blame the requestor he must know that Before you accuse someone of braking into your computer you must have proof and that he offered such allegation coupled with assurances of the self destruction of my product and after patent issue admits here that as a result of his threads a client contacted him to say that he was in need of service and to which Schwartz suggested that he get a refund instead he cannot come here and tell me that the rules stated in the cover of My patent amount to interference when they all gathered in connivance to try to impede my rights, He had the patent application # and could have done so lawfully.


You say to have had a much better opportunity that I did because Marty Forshers was really hot and Lf photography was the hottest 25 years ago, therefore if you had the contacts with Newton and avedon then your product would have flourished , if not equally at least we wouldn't be looking at a picture of you and the front of a camera because in this day and age they can establish carbon copy or whatever method to determine that something is thousands of years old. That your product is a mystery until my stupid incompetence shows up is the biggest mystery after all you are qualified and I am a fraud.


The photographers you mentioned tested my cameras and I went out of my way to inquire about you, please give me a break because this is annoying to all.


Their assistants own my cameras as . from Avedons camp I have at least 3 assistants who are owners of my product and from Newton's camp I have 1.


I have confirmation that Helmut once had a 4 designs pack film conversion from one of his assistants long ago but all the most famous photographers who were hotter then would have jumped on the opportunity if such existed and you had the contacts as you state.


So please give it a rest If it existed and went nowhere is because the alleged opportunity was as still perceived by those who insist to prefer a speed graphic Or not as effective as my product as is still the case .


I was completely ignorant of patent law when I applied for my patents and did not expect any such interferences but Schwartz insist that he knew the process and if to this date Prior art has not surfaced then I was more than justified 3.5 years ago because with all this noise we are still looking at a picture of him and it got really old.


If they fulfill further threats to show their cooperation in defiance instead of compliance goes back to before the threads any further they will further prove they have agreed to cooperate as saboteurs.


Mr. Jones can see that everybody understands that he never had any intention to respect my patents as he represented and nobody obligated his to say that therefore as when the first one was issued he replied That he was surprised yet if he didn't feel like he should have said that why did he tell everyone to, he could have kept up his defiance in the marketplace and whatever he wanted to do anyway but he did differently and subsequently he resorted to all sort of sinuous maneuvers and that considering that

he hoped to obtain sales and the public was watching imagine what it was like when I first contacted him and I myself had no understanding of patents all I knew is that if prior art didn't exist you could file and application after a dedicated search. I did it I spoke to everyone related and did a search for publications etc etc.


I cant type as well when im under this " minions of us kind of tactics" they were the same from day one

and it is time to move on.


Thank you

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Mr Jones insited whan he told all that my patents should be respected


"It appears that problems arising from past behaviour have been addressed and at this stage 10. 13 03"

And as it turns out all the IP I represented to them was determined to be my IP and issued as Patents

the question which remains is whether their behaiviour since then will stop

thank you

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This whole scenario is a direct result of the threats and harrassment you bombarded me with years ago. You threatened me with litigation from your alleged 'team of lawyers' both in the US and Australia, fortunately I have retained all correpondence from that encounter. At the time I rescinded all my dealings as a result of this barrage of intimidation. Unfortunately for you, I NOW KNOW BETTER. Every scrap of your impending demise is a direct result of your intolerable behaviour, not just toward me, but toward countless others it seems.
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The whole scenario is that you insisted in october 13 of 2003 that previous behaviour had been adressed.


I kept telling you that I had IP pending and you stated it was a farce and to you it was jump the gun or use one but later you said that a patent should be respected and if you felt that wasn't the case then why put PN thru all this and not do what you wanted .


The point is you have never stopped anything, never intended as you have shown after representing otherwise to all.


If you act like this where you hope to drum up business and after patent was issued and you willingly insist for example to the whole world as this week that the adapter for the 4 designs camera was your idea then you cant expect anyone to believe that you would have been more compliant earlier, then everyone understands.


I sent you communication explaining that a certain finder modification was my Ip before Patent was issued and you went on to post it on your site as your own and in that climate and defiance that I found myself under from all corners at a time where such activities landed me in the hospital and I lost almost 45 ponds and don't want to make alarmist representations so I will leave it at extreme health risk, then in September of 03 I had another such dance and ever since.


I believe it is time to move on because you never stopped anything.



And if you told all of PN in 2003 that all past behaviour had been adressed then people will take your word .


You have shown thruout 3,5 years that according to you this so called defiance allows for a permanent back and forth and I have already explained that I was inexperienced in Patent law then and you refuse to accept it as of now while you insist that a patent should be respected.


You keep asking the public if a kit offering components as to infringe would constitute infringement and when you have been given countless answers to one degree of exactitude or another you yet insist in defying me to disclose tech advice while you have already told all it would be worthless. you say today that my word is of no value so far do you really expect anyone to believe it wasnt worse when nobody was watching?


It is prior art or nothing. I communicated That I had patent application pending and should have had to deal with you no further.


I thought that if you guys felt entitled to forum for grievance s you stated then you should not have aggrandized and misrepresented the events because If you insist that I contacted a few people and told them I had Ip Pending then if they had it or knew of it with certainty to constitute prior art then I should have gotten it or gotten compliance.

then in those threads you all proceeded to tell people to intefere with my purchases in front of the whole world while claiming unfair buisness practices than you told people that what they would get is me and then proceeded to offer and discuss/ accept sales on a forum which was allegedly destined to resolve unfair buisness practices while we have learned this week that both the intersted parties and a few specific participants admit that such presentation was done so it would end where it would hurt the most and in the presence of such conspiracy as of today and admitted it was the goal as of the start , people can see that when such was the original intention and insitance that past behaviour has been adressed then I say that meant that any future behaviour after october 2003 would have to be to respect the patents.


My legions have no place in a website where those who came here as a team insisted thru their spokesman that a patent should be respected.


Otherwise If you guys brought the subject matter here why expect anyone to believe that if this back and forth has occurred after patent issue it was any better before the threads .


the defiance which occurred previous to the threads has been admitted by all. in 2003 you told all that the future would be compliance I expected that.


If you don't believe I can expect you do as you tell everyone publicly you cant expect anyone to believe that you had intention to proceed differently when you brought the subject matter here and after it was addressed you all issued a statement after emailing me that you were deliberating and that was the decision you all came to.


Thank You


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