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T Max 400 pull processed


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  • 3 weeks later...

To pull T-Max 400 sheet film, I use a pyro-based developer. Either

Photographer Formulary's PMK for tray prcessing or Photographer

Formulary's ABC+ for tubes. I rate the film at 200 and follow the

instructions given with the kits, except I increase development time

50%. It usually comes out with a nice range, good shadows and no

blocked up highlights.

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I usually expose any films with the half speed to reduce contrasts.

For me the advantages are nice darks and nice lights. I found out

that reducing the time for developing 20-30% fits. It fits with all

the developers I have tried. At the moment I use D 76, and it fits

too with TMAX 100, TMAX 400, TRIX, FOMA, AGFA, EFKE, ILFORDS etc.

You only must try once or twice if you have to reduce the developing

time for 20% or 25% or 30%. Tre result is gradation 2-3 for printing.

And I have no real problems with developing-times of 4 mins. I turn

the tank all 30 secs twice.

Greetings and good luck


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