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where to get cheap film???


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Hey guys, I just started another photography class today and I'm

gonna need tons of film. Does anyone know where to buy cheap B&W

120 film? Anywhere besides adorama or B&H...they're not that

cheap. Ebay doesn't seem to have that much 120 B&W film for cheap.

Can I buy 120 BW film in bulk?? I've only seen 35mm bulk film. Any

known secret spots for cheap film? Thanks.


-Chris Durnin

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I've never seen 120 in bulk; however 70mm film is commonly sold in 100~500 foot rolls. Mostly aerial film these days, but it was once the staple of school and studio photographers and there is a lot out there at fairly inexpensive prices. Most of the aerial film is sprocketed, but the portrait stuff was all friction fed and has no holes. I imagine with infinite patience, you could cut it down to 120 size and apply a paper backing. If you try it, get a hold of this guy http://www.davidromano.com/Film.html. He cuts down 70mm HIE for use in 120 cameras. He is sure to have some pointers.
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I agree with Lex and Pablo. JandCphoto is a great place for cheap film. Plus, all of their films are great. Adox, JandC, and Efke. I actually prefer Efke out of those three, but their are a few things that you need to know before you get that film (if you do).


1: Their 120 format has a very thin paper wrapping. This means light leaks and fogging sometimes. Load this film in dark places.


2: Efke films have a very soft emultion and scratches every easy, So handle it carfully and fix it a hardening fixer rather than rapid fix.


3. The JandC website has the development times for all of the films they offer. For Efke 100 films they dont seem to give a very accurate time in D-76, so you may want to make some tests for yourself if you use that developer.


Other than that, JandC is the way to go for cheap stuff.

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I am not sure if recommending difficult to handle film to a beginner is such a great idea. Those scratches and curl won't do any good for grades.


I recommend buying cheap film that doesn't have those problems, and Efke is not it. Agfa APX is only 2.09 or 2.19 100/400 a roll from B&H. I don't remember it having all the above mentioned issues that Efke films have, and the extra dimes are worth it.


Also a cheap place for film is www.ultrafineonline.com. They have even slightly cheaper 120 film. I don't know about quality; they used to resell Ilford. I guess this is still the remaining Ilford stock, which if true is even better than APX for my taste.

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I have to disagree with the assesment about EFKE

The films curls, true but I haven't had problems with soft emulsion.

Keep the chemicals close to 70 - 75F and the emulsion should hold.


JC Pro 100 has a softy emulsion, but with some practice it'll work for anyone.


I also differ in the idea of giving things that are easy to work with to newbies.. but that's a complete different field ;)

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