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B+W Filter Not Quite Fitting Zeiss Lens

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Just got the Zeiss 50mm out of the box and tested a few frames with it, and went to

mount the New B+W Made in Germany 43mm filter and guess what, it doesn't really fit.

The B+W 43mm rubber hood fits perfectly however. In fact the hood screws into the filter

fine as well. But, the filter going in to the lens does not, and it even looks like the threads

of the filter are a bit too 'fine'. How many types of 43mm filter threads are there, and is

this more arcane Leica knowledge that will clutter my brain?

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Yeah, but I bought the exact same filter that B&H reccommends as an accessory for the

Zeiss 50mm. The filter

says 43mm, the box says 43, the B+W rubber hood says 43, yet it does not fit. How many

thread pitches are there?. BTW, the Zeiss is not at fault, its clearly the filter. Besides, I

rushed off a test roll and let me tell you, the Zeiss lens is makes quite a neg. I'll be looking

at the 25mm and maybe replacing my 35 Summicron.

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I believe there are two types:


43E (0.5mm thread pitch)


43ES (0.75mm thread pitch)


According to Schneider-Kreuznach (B+W) 43E is what the old Summilux uses, and was being discontinued when I asked them in 2003. When I looked at their catalogue back then, only 0.75mm pitch was listed for this size. Try emailing: Filter@SchneiderKreuznach.com for up to date information (if your filter box has some sort of product code, they can probably give you the specs).

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Re: "Yeah, but I bought the exact same filter that B&H reccommends as an accessory for the Zeiss 50mm."


Do you think that everyone working at B&H or most other camera shops would know this? The guy at my local Leica shop didn't, and I had to yell at him to stop him from ruining my camcorder's 43mm threads. It was a Leica M UV, by the way, and I went with a Heliopan instead. It fit, but I ended going with a cheap Cokin instead because the Heliopan caused vignetting something fierce. (Cokin to the rescue.) Now what do you think of that? ;*)


I still have the Heliopan if anyone wants it. It is the industry standard version, slim and multi-coated. A real piece of cr**. Too bad they didn't carry B+Ws.

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<Does anybody really know where Zeiss lenses are made?>



The Zeiss ZM 50mm Planar being talked about is Zeiss but was made

in Japan by Cosina, as are all of the new ZM lenses except for two. One

being their 85mm f2 and the other ... I forgot.

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I don't know if this will help, but I just measured a B&W 43mm filter, part# 23185. My thread guage is in English, not Metric, so I had to convert. The closest fit was between 32tpi and 36tpi. By my calculations, that's in the 0.75mm pitch ballpark. I think the Leica "E" thread is 0.75mm. (Anyone want to correct me on that?)


So It seems to me that a regular B&W ought to be the right thread. The fact that it seems to fit other things, like the hood, and the hood fits the lens, seems to argue in that direction as well. Therefore I'm impressed by the suggestion to check the threads for damage.

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"I guess a fly-by-night operation like Carl Zeiss couldn't take the time to design the filter threads to the proper specs. :-) OK it's a joke, I say that so I won't get flamed by the humorless Zeiss fans on this website."


Eliot its older B+W filters that seem the be the problem no others. So take your pot shots at them. I know your keeper of the Leica faith but do you have to take everything to extreme without fully understanding the problem?

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