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Printing problem with Epson. What am I doing wrong?

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Not having time go into the darkroom lately, I tried printing a

scanned in negative. After making usual adjustments, all appeared

fine until I tried to print it. No matter how I set it up to print

onto my Epston Stylus 875 printer, it alwasy prints out the same size

in the same place. I will punch in 5 x 7 and it will print out a

small 2x2 print halfway down against the left margin. Does anyone

have any ideas on how to correct this? I'm using photoshop. I have

changed the size in paget set up, adjusted printer dialog box

different ways, callibrated the printer and still have this problem.

Any help would truly be appreciated

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Along with what Christian states, if you want it placed in a different

spot, open a new document (same dpi) and make it 8.5x11. Go back to the

photo, select all, copy, click on the new document and paste the image

onto the new empty doucument. Click on your move tool and move the

image where you want and then resize or really visa-versa. As fas as

print size, go to your View menu and scroll down to print size. This

will show the image in it's true size. Make adjustments from there.

Hope this helps a bit.

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I have an Epson 760, so I don't know about the 875, but you never know, their drivers may be

similar. 1) - In PS «File» menu I go to «Page setup» and choose the paper size (either

pre-defined or custom), then I choose «Orientation» (portrait or landscape) and then I click on an

option called «centered». 2) - I then go to «Print options» and make sure the option «Scale to fit

media» is clicked. That's the most important. Then I click «Print» and make final image setups.

That does the trick for me. It might help you.

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