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What went wrong

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Just bought a Yashica MAT-124G at a camera swap. Looks to be in mint condition. I am not familiar with medium format cameras. Loaded some Kodak TMAX 100, 120 format into the camera following the instructions. Took 12 pics. Developed the film in standard TMAX 1:4 developer etc. When I removed the film from the tank, it was completely blank. Completely transparent. Any ideas?
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If I remember correctly the Yashica Mat 124G is a twin lens reflex,

when you bought it did you make sure the lens shutter was opening?

just because you see an image on the focusing lens does not mean the

shutter is opening. It has to be a problem with exposeure or

erroneous loading. If you saw the end of the 120 roll where it said

tape over this flap, then the roll went through the transport ok and

has to be an exposure/shutter fault. Unless you loaded the roll

inside out!

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Gentlemen, I discovered my error. I didn't mention in my original

posting that I was using the camera in my studio with a PC sync cord

to my lights. I apparently left the Flash Synchronizer Selector on

the Yashica on the "M" setting instead of the "X" setting. The "X"

setting is for electronic flashes.




I made the switch on a roll this morning and all is well! Thanks for

your help.

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