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Should there be a B&W World Photo Contest?


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I posted this last week in the Creativity forum, but as Dell Elzey pointed out, some of the regulars here may not have seen it:





If I ran a real contest...judging photos submitted by visitors to B&W World, with real prizes like boxes of printing paper and bricks of film or imaging software giveaways...would anyone participate? I have been struggling with this issue for a few months now, and have decided to open it up to the people who would make or break whatever I attempted...you.




I envision an ongoing, monthly contest, the winners being prominently displayed on the B&W World Home Page for a month and getting as-yet unknown prizes (I've just started discussions with some companies).




After that, things get vague. I can use some input here.




What kind of prizes would motivate you to enter? Would a brick of the film of your choice by Brand Z do it? 100 sheets of 8x10 premium real paper? Kai's Power Tools? A Leica M6? :-) Should each month have a contest "theme" or be open-ended?




I'm trying not to overburden my email server with a glut of GIF's and JPG's, so: any suggestions on how people can submit images without attaching them to email? Snail mail would be ok for me.




How much lead time should I give? If I announced a contest today (December 10), should it be due by Feb. 1? Later? Earlier?




Why run a contest? Because I would like to see some return on the thousands of hours of sweat equity that I've put into this site, and contests are popular and tend to attract sponsors. They also can be a fun way to highlight individual photos.





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Hey i think the photo contest would be a great idea. I love the any opportunity to have my work looked at or critiqued. I entered some of my work into the nikkon college photo contest recently. I think if this contest happens entries via jpg's or gif's would be ok for me, i got adobe photoshop, or snail mail would be fine also. Let me know more details, thanx.
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  • 4 months later...

I will be a good idea who wants to contest their photos with other

photographers- but it will be a disadvantage if you claim a entry

fee.Don't take it other way, I am telling it because many photographers of the third world countries dont have enough money

to perticipate with entry fees.From Bangladesh I can asure you a big

perticipation.Bangladeshi photographers looks some points-:





(1) is the organiser has a FIAP(Fedaration de'l art photographique)

approval-with other societies like Photographic society of America(PSA);Royal photographic society of England (RPS).




(2)Returnable of the photographs with out postal charge.




(3)Prizes can be send by post or embassy.








The last date of entry must have at least 4/6 months following the post of the entry form.




Thank you

Mohammad Irfanul Islam

Drik Picture Library Ltd



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  • 4 years later...

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