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Canon XT Prices


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After many questions, much debate, and a ton of research, I finally

bought my Canon XT. I had previously posted a message regarding

prices since usaphotonation.com had the XT listed for $574, much

below other merchants. You guys kindly pointed me to their

remarkably poor reviews. This price I was told was "too good to be

true" and at the time I agreed. Many people said to look at

merchants and not the cheapest price but I think there is a happy

medium there--I want the cheapest price I can get but also with good

service. When looking to purchase I found Beach Camera had a price

of $669 and a $100 Canon rebate (end price $569, this INCLUDES

shipping). I searched for hours and found nothing but good feedback

on Beach Camera on this site as well as many other review sites.

This price is lower than the "too good to be true" price from the

scam company (which, by the way, I just looked and see that they are

now advertising the XT for $389 after rebate) while at the same time

appearing to be legit so I wanted to share it with anyone else

looking for a good deal WITH good, reliable service. If I've made a

mistake, please let me know. I just wanted to share what appears to

be a good but legit deal.


Lastly, thanks to everyone who has been helping me out--I appreciate

your patience and kind responses. I'm sure there will be more after

I start playing with my new XT. Many of you are specialized in

photography and it can be frustrating to explain what you see as

background knowledge to a rookie but several of you have. I'm not an

expert in photography (yet) but I am an orthopaedic surgeon so if

any of you need a hip replacement explained I'm more than happy to

help out! :)

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So how bad is the Operation to fix the bad disc in my neck? Something about fusing two vertabra together or using a SS plate? Sounds scarey, esp. the part about going through the front and everyone saying im to young (41) to worry about getting it done now as its not a permanent fix but more like a quick patch.. then theres the limited mobility.. i have full mobility now although its not without some pain and crunching/grinding sounds!


Good job on the XT.. I got mine when it came out and love it, in fact instead of getting the new 30D i opted for a grip, a new mono pod and a 70-200MM f/4 "L" ... im in heaven now! Check out the price of the 70-200 f4 L on Amazon.. something like $544.00 shipped with an additional $40.00 Rebate from Canon.


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I'd like to know why two orthos think my 3rd degree AC joint (acro-myoclavic.) separation is better to leave it as is rather than risk surgical repair and possible arthritis? (busted the joint in a bike race 8 years ago when I was in my 30s).


Cheers on the new SLR and yes, Beach Camera is reputable. I bought my first DSLR, a 10D from them 3 years ago. Beach is very legit. Just wait until you hook up a fast prime or a fast L zoom on your XT and feel and hold a smooth, responsive lens in your hands. Have fun.

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The Digital Rebel XT is a VERY NICE camera. Much nicer than any of the entry lever offerings from other brands. It has many features that you will not use at first but will let you grow into the camera.


I haven't bought from Beach Camera, but they seem to be in the "accepted" group of suppliers. Sounds like you're getting a good deal.


I have been shooting with SRL's for about 12 years and still consider myself a rookie. Take it easy and enjoy your new hobby. Certainly a lot to learn and a lot to enjoy.





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I have purchased some equipment from Beach ( 20D, Rebel Xt, 70-200/2.8) all of which I bought to sell on ebay after getting the rebates last year. I think they are good as long as you are not planning to return the items as they have a restocking fee. But B&H doesnt have a restocking fee. So either pay the restocking fee or keep the item or exchange it, but no free returns if you change your mind with beach camera. Being an orthopedic surgeon you know that like universal precations apply to the O.R. it also applies to buying equipments as all deal are not legit.
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Lately I've been sticking with Adorama because the 14 day return policy just seems like a good idea in case of problems. I did buy the EF28-135IS from Beach Camera them w/ no problems at all, though.


(I have the XT too, and I love it!)

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