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Stock Agency Representation

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I am currently assessing which stock agency to be represented by for

my panormaic images. I have been approached by 2 agecncies with

cintracts, and was wondering if anyone out there could give me some

advice on if I shoudl go with only 1 agency or more than one. THey

are stating royalty rates of 40-50% to myself. The agencies are

Panoramic IMages of Chicago and Imagestate of London.


All advice and comments welcomed.

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Michael-- The way things are in the stock photography business today, the percentage cut is the last factor you want to look at. Agencies are screwing photographers with fees for marketing, sending out work, inclusion in catalogs and websites, and so many other things associated with the sales of images that often the photographer is lucky to end up with 25%, no matter what the alleged starting percentage was.


Also watch for things like who owns the copyright, what happens if the agency gets sold or goes out of business, how long they can keep your images in their file after any relationship is dissolved, and etc. Some agencies have tried to include a clause that states that the photographer is not allowed to market his images for several years after leaving the agency!!!


I'm not familiar with the agencies you mention, but it is possible that others here on the forum are, and I'm certain that there are several who have had issues with agency contracts that they can fill you in on.


Just remember, the percentage givith and the fine print taketh away. I'd gladly give up five percentage points in exchange for a straight payment of the percentage with no fees taken out, and the right to pull my images from the agency at any time with no restrictions.


Best of luck, and happy shooting. -BC-

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