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Some Photos from my Japan Trip

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Raid, when someone responds by telling me to "get a life" I tend to find that they've run

out of all credible responses and have nowhere else to go. Living the fantasy of being a

"professional" is fine, setting yourself up as a mentor is another thing altogether. Your

conceit is startling in it's magnitude.

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Maybe we should cut Raid a bit of slack. A hurricane barreled through his home town while he was in Japan and he's been busy doing as much clean-up as he can while waiting for the insurance adjuster to evaluate the damage. Until the roof is repaired he has the additional worry of hoping more torrential rain doesn't arrive. I guess it's fun to chew him out for doing more important things than fine tuning his scans and editing the portfolio down to half a dozen "prize winners".


Raid, thanks for letting us see some of your shots from Japan. Good luck with the house repairs. I remember after Andrew hit Miami what a royal pain it was getting estimates and repairs. I don't envy you.

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<I>Raid, if you're submitting digital files to a publication they're going to play with the color

and contrast no matter what you've already done to them.</I><P>


Are you serious? No one is going to mess with those. Why would anybody consider these if

the photographer doesn't care or put in even a tiny bit of effort?

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<I>I guess it's fun to chew him out for doing more important things than fine tuning his

scans and editing the portfolio down to half a dozen "prize winners".</I><P>


You must be his agent - how would anyone know that? Why encourage poor work? You

really are setting a bad example, Al.

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Al, seems you and Raid are on the same wavelength when it comes to finding reasons why you can't submit a decent scan to this forum. Funnily enough, we all have personal problems (ahem!) but some of us take pride in making sure that what we show here is as good as we can make it (at least technically).


I really am curious to see a _good_ scan of one of your _fine_ prints, Al, after all the time you spend going on about how superior film is to digital and praising traditional darkroom work and your zillion years of photographing famous potheads and politicos. There must be at least one really nice picture, printed really nicely, that you can get scanned well and show us here. And please don't write to me off-forum about it - an answer here will be more than sufficient.


Personally, I think there's nothing more pathetic than making excuses for your work. If it's no good, don't show it. Either take pride in it or do something else.

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<I>Ah, the voice of wisdom, the man who can go out under trying circumstances and

always get "the Great Picture"</I><P>


Really funny coming from a guy who always has a boatload of excuses as to why he can't

post a decent print. Excuses, excuses, and more excuses. <P>


And thanks for posting the two links. I won $600 in those two competitions. <a href=


</a>another one you missed from just two months ago - $350. I take a lot of care in

making decent photographs. Why don't you?<P>


And if you send me another harassing nasty email, I'll start a thread called: W/NW:

Bizarre emails from Al.<P>


Should get a lot of posts on that and everyone can see what you're really about...

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I'll save you the trouble. Here it is:


I know about Raid's house because he and I are friends and were in touch via email throughout his Japan trip. I also know that some pretty damned raw digital files of breaking news gets transmitted every day by photographers to magazines and newspapers. They manage to to make it look good, no different than you were able to take Raid's photo and clean up the color.


As for those links, I thought you were just being modest in not wanting to let everyone know about your long and succesful career as a photographer for years and years - what is it? five years? You won a couple of contests. Whoopy-do! You ever try doing it under pressure? With no sleep for a couple days running? Consistantly,day after day, no excuses, come up with what the editor wants? You talk a good talk. I've yet to see the walk.


Want me to post this on the forum? Just say the word. I aim to please.


Your old buddy,



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"Ms. Chan, let's see some of your photographs!"


The quality, or otherwise, of my photographs (or even whether I've ever taken a

photograph) doesn't impact in any way, shape, or form on the quality of photographs

posted here.


"Al, is there something worng with you?"


Brad, don't even go there.


"Funnily enough, we all have personal problems (ahem!)"


Finally, a comment I can identify with......

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"some pretty damned raw digital files of breaking news gets transmitted"


Actually, they're more likely to be jpgs.....


"You ever try doing it under pressure? With no sleep for a couple days running?

Consistantly,day after day, no excuses, come up with what the editor wants?"


This hardly applies to Raid's vacation snaps in Japan. Quite apart from that, has Brad ever

made any claims of being a frontline editorial photographer struggling to get images back

from Kabul, Jolo, and Aceh?


"Want me to post this on the forum? Just say the word"


I get the faintly sinister tone, but what does this actually mean?

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Seems Al is hallucinating thinking I'm a PJ or something. Unlike Al who's a very talented

seasoned professional, I'm just an amateur who shoots for fun.<P>


What's really sad, is that Raid asked for feedback and he got some really decent advice -

especially from Rob. <P>


But with that artery on his forehead pulsating away, Al then

comes on trying to stir up the pot and just looks pathetic playing his old sorry games. If


don't have any decent pix, I guess that's all you can do.

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"Look at my portfolios here on photo.net. Judge for yourself"


I really like the first image of the woman and the guy, and I really like the last of the kid

and the dove. Some of the others are OK, but do nothing to add weight to your claims of



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"he has 40 years of experience"


Yeah, he does, but there are plenty of small-town press photographers who'd struggle to

show you a single nice image even after 40 years. He's not the technical master he claims

to be but most of the flak he takes here is more down to his anti-digi madness than the

quality of his images. Not many people who post here have pictures as nice as the two I


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Another Bob: <i>"... Personally, I think there's nothing more pathetic than making excuses for your work. If it's no good, don't show it. Either take pride in it or do something else. ..."</i>


What is considered "good?" Is there a committee (of dead white males) that made up these standards? Just curious, before I go burn all my gear!

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"You talk a good talk. I've yet to see the walk."


Al, your saying Brad can't walk his talk, but you can? What a stupid thing to say after seeing your material these last couple of months.


"Want me to post this on the forum?"


No thanks Al, seen it...don't think anything's changed in a few weeks.

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<I>...or maybe it's time to close down this posting.</I><P>


I agree Raid. Looking back, you did get some really excellent advice from a couple of

people above, and it was offered in a constructive manor. It is a real shame that Al had to

jump in out of the blue, with the usual faire of ridicule and insults he's known for.<P>


What's doubly sad, is that he thought that posting some links leading to competitions I

entered and won, would somehow embarrass me. He apparently feels it's bad to take pride

in your work and make prints to the best of your ability. <P>


Most of the people I know who learn that I've won a competition say something like, "way

to go," or "congratulations." Al, in contrast, tries to embarrass and put you down -

apparently he's really insecure when someone else has some good luck. And then he

lambasts cuz I 'haven't been shooting for 40 years like he has, and then oddly, likens

himself to a PJ in the filed getting the assignment. Go figure... He does the same sort of

thing with others on the Wedding forum - they're getting tired of him there with the

trouble he instigates.<P>


Raid, if you'd like some photoshopping tips for getting the most out of your photos, feel

free to email me - I've helped a few here on this forum offline and it's something I enjoy


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An unsolicited email I got this morning:

"Dr. Amin,

After going through all my pictures and remembering all the stuff we

did I truly want to thank you for having Photography as one of your

courses. I can't express how much that enhanced the trip. After

settling into things again, and going through my pictures, I'm getting

homesick for Japan! "

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