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Best exposure & developing combo for Delta 400

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I'm trying to find the best "standard" exposure and developing combination for Delta 400 in 35mm format that suits me. The aim is to achieve sharpness, speed and low grain (surprise, surprise!). I know there is no such thing as a "best" or "standard" anything in B&W and that it is very much a personal thing, but I'm open to ideas to try and find such an animal. At present my standard is to expose at 200 ISO, develop in perceptol 1+3 at the time for 400 ISO minus 25%. Are there any comments on this combination as well as alternatives? Many thanks!
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well why don't KODAK D-76 for Delta 400. 75ml chemical + 225ml water

in 26 degree C, you can process it in 14 minutes. Agitation is 8 times

per minute in one roll and 4 times for 2/more.If you expose in push EI 800/1600 you can process it in 20% more time then your normal 400.

Similar too in pull process.The time will go down 20%.

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