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Flying with film

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Hi, I am flying to Maui at the end of this month for two weeks of well deserved bliss. Of course I plan on taking tons of pictures but I am concerned with the secutity measures etc. on whether there are any restrictions on carry on bags with camera equiptment in them and then how to protect my film from x-rays etc. So far Delta has been little help and I was hoping that someone out there has traveled recently and could clear things up for me.


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I flew last week on Delta from Seattle to Atlanta (and other

connecting flights) and carried a Tamrac camera bag with a bunch of

my Hasselblad equipment in it. Security didn't even open it, but did

X ray it. So I don't think there are any restrictions on camera

equipment any more than the normal amount allowed for carry-on. If

the current state of things keeps up, I would predict the banning of

any carry-on just to enable getting through security quicker. I

don't know what I will do then, as I certainly will not entrust my

Hasselblad equipment to a bunch of sadistic baggage handlers ;). I

did pack my film in checked baggage, which may or may not be smart as

I have heard that it gets heavier doses of X ray. This is second-

hand, unverified, and probably anecdotal. Frankly, I travel a lot

and have never seen any X ray problems with film, but I have not been

everywhere! Maybe others can address the techniques of wrapping film

in foil, etc. Enjoy your bliss!

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If you are using film that comes in a metal cassette (35mm ?) then I

would consider buying the film in Maui and then ship the exposed film

back to your home. If you think this is too costly, get to the

security area very early (on both ends) and ask for a hand check of

your film.




If you are using 120 (or any film in a plastic cassette or spool),

you should be able to carry it in your pockets (take it out of the

box to lesson the bulk) and pass through the metal detector (which

will not harm film). Don't put it in your coat pockets because they

will want your coat to go through the x-ray machine.




Since this is a B&W forum, and you did not state otherwise, I assume

you do not have color film. However if you do, you might consider

getting any C-41 processing done in Maui, and then worry about

getting decent prints when you get home.

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Greg, checked baggage is randomly subjected to stronger

x-rays that will ruin film. This is verified and not anecdotal. In

fact, when airlines started this procedure, Kodak's professional

division sent out letters to many pro photographers, rental

houses and labs. Never put film in checked baggage, not even

in lead bags.

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I just recently got back from a trip to Canada. These are the things

I have learned:




Don't put film in your checked luggage. X-Ray for checked luggage is

much stronger than carry-on.




Don't put film in lead bags. If the X-Ray machine can't penetrate it

initially, they crank up the dosage until they can. I am also told

that anything slower than ISO 1600 is safe to be put through. Be

careful of multiple exposures to X-Rays, they are apparently





Ask for film to be hand checked. I believe in the US, they have to

comply. Outside the US, you are subject to local customs. The best

method I have found so far is to take 35mm film out of the plastic

canisters and put them all in a large ziplock baggie. They are safe

from dirt, dust and grime and security can see everything at once.

Being that they can fish around the bag without opening it, you can

get though faster. If you bring your film in plastic canisters,

expect them to go through each and every can.




Be prepared to get searched. Arrive with plenty of time for a

thorough search routine. Make sure everything can be powered on and

checked. Palm pilots, cameras, cell phones, portable CD players

included. If it is electronic and can't be powered on to prove it is

what it is, it won't go. Expect lenses to be scrutinized (remove end

caps so they can see through them), filters, film, etc.




As far as equipment restrictions, I brought a fair amount of gear in

my hiking backpack and didn't have a problem.




Hope this helps!

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The Yellow Godfather saying don't take film at all..

Now they can get onto the business of pixelography full time & quit

making any traditional film products. Just what they seem to be

trying to do with the shell game of 'what products are going away

this month".

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Interesting that Kodak would say don't fly with film. Don't they

ship a lot of their film products to stores around the world via air?

Or does it go UPS ground and sit baking in a truck for a week in

the summer? Is air cargo x-rayed as well or would this be a

feasible method - to ship film to your destination for pick-up

when you get there. Ship your cameras to yourself too-well

insured, of course.

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Whatever you do, don't put your film in checked luggage. Many

airports use the new CTX5000 scanners. These machines will give a low

dosage scan to the entire piece of luggage. If there is any

suspicious object, they will then rescan that object with a high

intensity beam. It is this beam that does the damage, and generally

shows up as a strip about 1cm wide. A few rolls of film will not

usually attract attention, but a large quantity, such as a brick,

will have enough metal (the silver in the emulsion), that it attracts

the high intensity beam. This beam is strong enough to damage even

slow films and papers.




David Carper

ILFORD Technical Service

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Shipping film via air is OK. Or at least it was OK. Shipping

companies' cargo was not x-rated. I've been mail-ordering all my film

for the past 6 years and never had a problem. This may or may not

change. We have to see new regulations being imposed, whether carry-

laggage machines will be as safe for a film as used to, and whether

had inspection will still be allowed.

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I usually have my film handchecked, especially since I usually carry

at least one roll of 3200 for extreme circumstances which is very

sensitive to x-rays. When I flew from Seattle to Dc (Dulles): no

problem with a hand check. When I flew back from Baltimore (BWI) to

Seattle: a supervisor had to do it, security was not pleased, and I

got lots of dirty looks (!) during my hand check.




Foreign X-ray machines are notorious for using high dosages of





I think that I'll carry bulk film, empty plastic canisters, and

special film (like 3200 and 1600) in plastic bags for easy hand


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Use your computer & print up a batch of "private label 3200 and

6400" labels to put on the film canisters, 120 rolls and sheet film

boxes. This might help a bit on getting the hand check you are

entitled to. If the airport security jokers would just do the job

they are paid to do they wouldn't have to complain so much nor work

so hard trying to keep from working.

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i haven't flown since 9-11 but will soon, i found a link to this in

the federal code which i printed out and plan to show if needed,

maybe it could help others here:




14 CFR

Aeronautics and Space















108.17 Use of X-ray systems




(e) No certificate holder may use an X-ray system to inspect carry-on

or checked articles unless a sign is posted in a conspicuous place at

the screening station and on the X-ray system which notifies

passengers that such items are being inspected by an X-ray and

advises them to remove all X-ray, scientific, and high-speed film

from carry-on and checked articles before inspection. This sign shall

also advise passengers that they may request that an inspection be

made of their photographic equipment and film packages without

exposure to an X-ray system. If the X-ray system exposes any carry-on

or checked articles to more than 1 milliroentgen during the

inspection, the certificate holder shall post a sign which advises

passengers to remove film of all kinds from their articles before

inspection. If requested by passengers, their photographic equipment

and film packages shall be inspected without exposure to an X-ray







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I have just gotten some new news regarding X-ray equipment in Reagan

National Airport. Previous to the 9-11 incedent, only some checked

luggage was being x-rayed with the CTX5000 series machines. Now,

every single piece of checked luggage is being scanned. So even if

you have been lucky in the past with putting film in checked luggage,

chances are that now you would run into problems.




David Carper

ILFORD Technical Service

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  • 9 months later...
FAR 108 is defunct since the creation of the TSA. Check my site for the new regulations. Under the Code of Federal Regulations, film doesn't have to be x-rayed in US airports (except maybe film backs)! It does not matter what speed it is. It can all be hand checked if you like. Here is how to avoid the X-ray machine Check my page on it! Here is your definate answer to x-raying in airports. There are links to all the relevant regulations for printing along with an explanation of the federal structure and tips to make things go easier: <a href="http://home.kc.rr.com/aaronphoto/xray.html">http://home.kc.rr.com/aaronphoto/xray.html</a>
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