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<i><blockquote> ...In a court filing August 7 that's an expanded re-write of

their original suit, the NYCLU alleges that NYPD officers are threatening

photographers with arrest if they won't destroy their images or show them to

police, and in some cases are unlawfully detaining photographers who won't

comply. The suit also claims that despite the frequency of complaints the NYPD

says it receives, it has failed to develop and implement any policies,

procedures, or training for investigating such reports and � as a result � NYPD

officers are repeatedly violating the First Amendment rights of

photographers..... </blockquote> </i><p>


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Yes and thid sounds like a first admendment right violation to me and this is not the only state this is happening to photographers and I hope the NYCLU wins this one for all photographers as this will set the tone for all states that we have someone on our side when this happens over picture taking in a public place. Never surrender your images and take them to court and tell your story to the media and the ACLU in your state if this type of thing happens to a photographer in a public place. Charles
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<i><blockquote> .[.Z, good to hear from ya...early parole?

</blockquote> </i><p>


Early release, courtesy of some inside snitching. The warden done been good to me. <p>


I've been out shooting film still. Also commenting on flickr and other places with assorted nom du Zs... You and Crewcut have seen me around....

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  • 2 weeks later...

<P>Interesting read. While I am not an American, I have limited knowledge of the US

Constitution. I'm curious however: how does the constitution apply to foreigners? As a

Canadian, if I visit New York, am I protected under the First Amendment? Does the NYPD

have any jurisdiction over non-US citizens?

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