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What do you think about my bussines cards

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I'm just starting out as well & I'm no graphics designer but the first one I like, it's simple & effective, the 2nd one is a bit busy your info & the photo compete with each other. IMHO. A graphics designer friend of mine helped me told me my biz cards had too much unneeded writing on it. Phone, E-Mail, & Web are not really needed it's obvious what they are no need to write them. I also like to show what type of photography I do, and think that a business card maybe like a mini, mini, mini portfolio. My $0.005



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Hi Eden, I like them both. However, they both give very different ideas about what your photography business covers. The first one is obviously children, and the other one could be models/fashion etc. Do you want to 'categorise' your business on your card? If so, you will need a selection of images - but, that just gets too messy. What about (god forbid) no images on your card? In that way, potential clients are directed to on online portfolio where they see your entire range of work and services. <br><br>

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All the best. M :)

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Don't like the first one, looks a little bit cheap. Perhaps the mixed fonts give it a home-baked appearance.


Like the second one better but it seems a little bit hard to read. Dunno, perhaps making your graphics stand out a little more against the background. The pic is nice but you may want one with more white areas to set your text against.



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I am not really a big fan of either one. The images dont really say anything about your style and look generic. If you are going to put an image on your cards then have it try and define what your photography is about so all someone has to do is look at this card and say he looks like a pretty good wedding photographer or portrait photogrpaher. Right now I am not sure what you are or what you do. If you have many styles that are too hard to define by one or two photos then dont put one. A card designed using just type can convey just as much information as one with an image and looks just as professional if not more.
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Eden - in addition to making sure all uploaded images are 511 pixels or less in width - Please also type a caption in the caption box provided when uploading pictures. This way it will show up as an image rather than a link.
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From a business perspective, and this goes to anyone who reads this, I would say that the most important thing to include is an address, street, not web!!


One thing that I've learned is that you should not do business with someone who does not provide you with a business address, from a formality standpoint and a security factor.


The customer wants to know where the legal papers should be delivered when he wants his money back ;)


I like the first one as well, the address only has to be one or two lines, and that can be on the bottom left corner, where your tele-data can be on the bottom right corner.

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  • 1 year later...

If you're doing weddings...or if you're even remotely interested in them as I suspect from the location of this thread.. Do NOT use 1st one. It looks like a kids studio. I wouldn't want that for my wedding.

The secoond one doesnt really "POP", but it's not a bad card either. Probably better off choosing a different image.

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