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Dream Film Range


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Given the recent threads about film choice, and fims being discontinued...




If we could have our ideal selection of films - any b&w film, made by any manufacturer, any speed, from any era, in any size - what would they be? Let's put some limits on this. Let's say that we could have a maximum of 3 films of a given speed range. So one film in the 25-50 band. One around 100 - 200. One around 400. And one super fast.




Let's hear your ideas and suggestions, and then let's compare it with what's available. Then, if there are major gaps, perhaps we could start our own company, and make a dream range of b&w films!

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When I bought my first 120 camera, I started using an outdated Ilford

film that sold for $1 a roll at Central Camera in Chicago (it was all

I could afford at the time). What I disliked about it most was that

it was very flimsy and light, and it tended to collect more dust than

I was accustomed to with 35mm film. When I found myself with a bit

more to spend I tried T-Max 400 on a whim and loved it for all the

wrong reasons � it was very heavy compared to the first film I had

used, which meant easy rolling and no crimping, and it rarely

collected dust. For this reason I stayed with it, discovered the

optimum exposure and development techniques for what I was making,

and I have been using it exclusively for the past 9 years. If for

some reason they discontinue it, I will try other films until I find

one that suits my style and tastes. I have discovered that I would

rather spend my time thinking about the world around me and how I can

photograph it; contemplating film characteristics on a week by week

basis never was much fun for me.

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APX-25, Konica IR750<P>

FP4+, Acros<P>

Delta 400, HP5+<P>

Delta 3200<P>

<P>So, since no-one imports Konica IR750 into Aussie I've replaced

that with Maco 820 (but haven't had the chance to use much... just

one miserable roll and summer is over according to our weather the

last two days!) Once my APX-25 supply runs out I'll probably try Pan

F+. Once an Ilford boy...

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