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Arista EDU ultra sheet film-

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I use Arista EDU Ultra 120 roll and sheet films. They are great for the price. I cut my 4x5 to 9x12cm to use in my Voigtlander. I use them in just about all the developers and I like it in HC-110, Tmax and Gamma Plus by Zonal Pro. Here is a full frame of Arista cut to 9x12 of a Calla Lily that I shot in my office using window lighting. I develop this one in TMax at 1:5 instead of 1:4. Buy a box I bet you'll like it. Keep in mind it's no Tri-X but just as good.<div>00GH7Z-29751384.jpg.872dbf07aa830147bcc25d71a60b2aea.jpg</div>
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I've used the J&C classic which is pretty good,so I guess I'm all right there.




it's not the actual cost of the film that makes me nervous----it's the 20 mi. drive to the ferry,the 1.5 hr. ferry ride,a day of shooting film,the ferry ride back,the 20 mi. drive back and 3-4 hrs of developing the film---I wouldn't want to find out there is emulsion problems with this film,after all that.(now all I have to worry about is remembering to pull the dark slides--and 30 other things:>)

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In the 120 size, I like the Foma better than the Ariste edu.---the Arista has a bad curl in the 120---at least for me---I live out here n new mexico where the humidity is extremely low. It may different for you.

I've been dithering over the last year since the shakeup at Ilford and demise of Agfa. Trying these different films in 35mm thru 8x10 sheet film. I don't like the arista 35mm---lacks the tonality, scale, and grain of HP5 or TriX.

Still, every film has its look and if you can find a good subject match---it could be perfect.

But I cannot deal with curl in 120. enjoy!

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