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slideshow timestamp chaos

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Vacation photos from three cameras which (unfortunately) did not have their

internal clocks or dates synchronized. One camera is off by one day and one is

off by a few hours and one is off by one hour.


To show a slideshow sorted by "date picture taken" or "date created" results in

photos out of chronological order. It is very confusing to watch.


1. What is the "best" datetimestamp metadata field to use for this duty?


2. How do I correct that field after the fact.


3. How is this field preserved if some photos are shot in jpeg and some in NEF

and some in CRW then all photos improved in Adobe PS CS2 and saved as final TIF

files? The adobe generated TIF files don't seem to have the original creation

time and date ANYWHERE!


I have used EXIF FARM and EXIF PILOT, ZOOM BROWSER, ACDSEE, etc. to adjust the

timestamp but there seems to be about half a dozen different places date/time

are recorded - date created, date digitized, three different exif dates, file

properties, etc.


I am confused.





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I do not know how to change the date stamp, but the method I use to get the order right is to get all your files in the same folder in the order you want then relabel them as a batch. This will only work once you have them all with the same extensions otherwise the extensions will end up all the the same and some will be unreadable.


This relabel facility is availble in Windows Explorer by right clicking on the files to be relabeled. One word of warning though and that is the auto numbering is done without leading zeros so for the first ten (hundred if you have more than 100 photos) you will have to add the leading zero to ensure they are read in the correct order. This is a pain and I am sure there are other programs that work better.

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