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Empty film cannisters and bulk film cans

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I bulk load film, and I use plastic film cans to protect the

bulkloaded film from grit. As soon as I load the rolls, they go into

the plastic canisters. This protects the cannister's felt, keeping

it clean while film jostles around in your camera bag.




Since I've followed this practice, I've had almost no problems with

scratches. I'm also comfortable re-using the cannisters over and

over since this practice keeps them so clean. I use the plastic,

screw-top cannisters.




I don't have a good use yet for the aluminum film cans. They sure

are nice cans, though.

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The aluminum cans are great for little nails (brads) and little nuts

and bolts that always seem to get scattered around the workshop. But

not everybody is intothat sort of thing anymore. They also make

great containers for those spare bottons that come with dress shirts

and are always missing when you need one. The little plastic film

containers were great for my unrolled tobacco when I was younger but

that's just a fond memory now.

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You can recycle the plastic film cans, alot of labs do this. We

usually save all of ours up in a big box. Every couple of months our

education dept. likes to gather up scrap materials for hands-on

programs. Those little plastic cans are perfect for crafts projects.

Everyone always wants the bulk film tins. We use them in the studio to

prop things up on tabletop shoots, or to carry rolls of film on

location. The spools that the bulk film comes on are handy

too....Kodak and fuji still use aluminum cans. Fujichrome Dupe film

comes in a larger can as well, it has about 5.5" diameter & we use

them to carry pc cords & battery cables. Kodak has some info about

recycling photo packaging materials & scrap film leaders on their

professional/environmental website.

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Bill, I don't know if the recycling comment was aimed at me or not, I

guess that's what I get for trying to offer some help...here's the

Kodak site for recycling info.









You've got to be burning up alot of film if you have so many cans that

you can't find a use for them...

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Hi DK; I apologize if it sounded "aimed"; also I really didn't intend

it as a recycling comment. Rather I wanted to call into question the

"aluminum can" assumptions (or assertions?) made in six posts.

Granted, this is probably an insignificant thing. However, if someone

has a specific need or purpose for all aluminum cans, they ought to

test with a magnet.




Myself, I find that a magnet will stick to (~100 ft) cans for: Kodak

VPS III, Portra 160, Konica 160 and Fujicolor Interneg (a 5.5" diam.





PS; thanks for the Kodak recycle link; however I would suggest that

any individuals wanting to recycle the plastic parts ask your local

1-hour lab if you can add it to their recycling shipment.

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That's okay, I was in a touchy mood that day I guess. I'll admit that

you should try to use the cans in some creative way before recycling

them. Contact your local recycling place to see if they'll take them,

or find a large lab that takes part in this program, and see if

they'll help you out. We just hoard the plastic cans & bulk film tins,

it seems there's always someone who wants them. But it's a shame to

toss them, think of all the stuff just lining landfills forever.

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