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Scan Elite 5400 constantly ejects neg holder

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In the middle of a scan, the scanner hung up. After waiting about fifteen

minutes, I forced a close (with the Windows Task Manager) but the scanner

didn't eject the neg holder. I had to turn the scanner off and back on again

and then press the "Eject" button. It ejected the neg holder, but started

making a strange noise -- and now it constantly tries to eject a neg holder

whenever the door is open.


I tried to launch the scan utility, thinking maybe I have to eject the neg

carrier from the software, but it won't launch. It gives an error message and

says to open the door. When I open the door, it tries to eject a neg holder

that isn't there. The gear just keeps spinning and the utility never loads.


So I deleted the driver and reinstalled it. No go. Before I toss the scanner, I

figgered I'd check here and see if anyone has had/solved this problem before.

(There's mention of a VERY similar problem in the archives back in March 05,

but there was no reply.)


Any ideas?

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<em>"... have you tried inserting the little reset tool into the hole on the side

of the scanner to push the door closed,and then tried the neg holder...?"</em></p>


<p> The door <em>is</em> closed. As soon as it's opened it tries to eject.</p>


<p><em>"... have you tried the slide holder to see if that gets rejected..."</em></p>


<p>Can't even get that far. It "ejects" as soon as the door is opened. I'll post

this over in the Minolta forum and see if anyone there has an idea. Thanks.

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You're lucky. Mine locked up with the film holder inside. It makes whiring noices like it's trying to eject, but it doesn't work. Gentle traction with a surgical retractor doesn't budge it.

<p>I've heard (on this forum) that it's a common occurance with the 5400 II. I can't afford to toss $530, so will return it to Minolta/Sony. But they also have an A2 that has been back three times for the EVF and now they're trying to say it's out of warranty. Not a good sign! Good luck with yours.

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I can't really "afford" to toss mine, either. But right now it's useless. Since it's out of warranty, I'm sure it'll cost a coupla hundred to have Sony look at it. I'd rather put that money toward a newer scanner which will also handle 4x5. Maybe it's time for a V750.


I'll play around with this one for another day or two and then make a decision.

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