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What type of photo editing software do you use?


Most of the programs have a hue/saturation feature. Also, you can probably up the saturation (if you shoot jpgs) in the camera itself. I shoot RAW negatives, so I can?t raise the saturation in camera, but once I download my images to my PC, then I can open them in Photoshop and play with the contrast, levels, saturation, sharpness, etc.


Generally, upping the saturation in your editing software by about 10 percent should do the trick.

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Personally, I'd rather have somewhat subdued colors right out of the camera because it leaves room for adjustment. It's difficult to tone down oversaturated colors.


Also, bumping up colors in post processing without distorting the overall image and increasing noise can be difficult. A little goes a long way.


If post processing doesn't accomplish what you want, don't forget that you can do things the old fashioned way: Try optical filters on the camera lens.


Cokin makes a lot of crazy colorful filters. They inexpensive enough to let you experiment without spending too much. Then if you find an effect you like you can often find an comparable higher quality Singh Ray or other brand filter.


My favorite crazy Cokins are their dual color polarizers. They're not realistic at all but still useful for abstract landscapes and other purposes.


Cokin also makes graduated color density filters that can make skies more blue, etc.

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