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Contax 645 and Mamiya 645 AFD


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I am thinking about getting a Contax 645 or a Mamiya 645 AFD. Does

anyone has any suggestion or comments? I noticed for a new system,

the two are about the same with Contax being $200-$300 more. But for

a used system, Contax is a bit less than Mamiya. (a mint Mamiya is

about $2300 and Contax is about $2000) Does Contax 645 loss it value



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John, Don't worry that Contax has been discontinued. (So has my 1966 Ford Mustang and Leica M6) I've had mine over 6 years and love it.

Don't like the plastic feel of the Mamiya and not willing to take out a 2nd mortgage to buy a Hasselblad,not that I want/desire one.

The Contax is a great system with outstanding lenses and the ergonomics makes it feel like it was designed just for me.This camera is great on the tripod and great in the outdoors,backpacking.

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I'd advise you to hold each first. The Mamiya does NOT fit in my hands comfortably... now and again I'm required to use one and it's never enjoyable for me. The Contax, however, handles well for me, and I love the look of its lenses. I'm no tmakin H1 kind of cash right now, so I haven't tried it out.
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I prefer the Contax over the Mamiya 645 because of the handling, the lenses and the

battery grip that they offer. Yes, it has been discontinued, but it will be available used for

quite a while. The Hasselblad is a system that is out of most of our budgets. I still own a

RZ kit that I love to use when film is the best option.

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Why worry about which camera will lose value faster? Get the camera and lense sytem you prefer and think of the equipment as an expense and not an investment. And enjoy taking photos!


By the way, I'd buy the Contax if my budget allowed it. The camera handles really nicely and the lenses are stunning.



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I use to be one of the stupid ones who listened to all the ol wives tales of the quality of Leica and Zeiss optics... Had a couple of hasselblads and a contax 645... The Contax's battery always died till i got fed up. Got a 645 AFD after that and realized that Mamiya optics were some of the best I had used in my short life. Warmer colours and slightly better sharpness which can be noticed if you enlarge to 16 by 20 or larger. Also found that the Mamiya handled better, contrary to popular belief. A buddy of mine had a H1 but is now using a Pentax 645 NII. He said it gives better results than my Mamiya and the H1.....so I guess lens quality in prints/chromes is a matter of taste.

Do yourself a favour and test both systems without prejudice, if you don't require interchangable film backs, try the Pentax out as well.


P.S For the price of a H1, Standard lens, Wide Angle lens and 210mm telephoto, you can get a return flight to Japan and get the Fuji version of the H1 with the same 3 lenses and a couple of nights at a decent hotel for the same price( I buy my stuff in Singapore which has some of the lowest prices in the world.)

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Both systems are good. Real good. In fact, all four auto focus systems (Contax, Pentax, Mamiya and Hass) in the market are good. I would not let the fact that Contax is closing shop effects your decision. Contax 645 will be around for a long time and most likely will be pick up by a smart company that realizes the value of a good name. The H1 is really expensive (I still cannot believe they are charging twice as much as the other systems. Who are they kidding?). If I am a buyer now, I would pick from Pentax, Mamiya or Contax. I think once you pick these cameras up, you will know which one is for you. For example: the Nikon F5 is a great camera but I like the F100 more because it just fits better in my hand. The decision maybe down to camera features. Do you want an interchangable viewfinder, back or focus assist light, digital interface, vaccum back, low light autofocusing etc.

It is a great time to get into medium format.

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Both are good cameras. When I made my choice 3 years ago, it was a hard one. Even though the Contax has it battery use problem, as long as I am not shooting all day long, I am fine with spending a few more bucks. I finally chose Contax because of the better feel of the Zeiss lenses (look more like a real glass lense with metal barrel), and less problems as reported by the Mamiya User Forum. Everybody has his or her own opionion of these two systems, and sometimes it is just personal preference. Go to one of the pro shops in your area and feel them.


Like other people said, do not worry about Contax being discontinued. The camera will last for a long time, and I will not be surprised to see another company pick up the Zeiss license from Kyocera and maybe even improve its digital offerings.

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here's an honest to God, real life true story that happened this week to a former student of

mine from Atlanta who is down in the Tampa area shooting a photo essay for her thesis

project, shooting with her Contax 645. the thing stops working. what to do? Monday was

Memorial Day and no one is open. She would have lost two and ahalf days of shooting if

someone hadn't loaned her a 35mm Nikon. becasue the Contax is an increasingly rare

bird and repair parts are scare she's out her camera for at leastthe next week and in the

meantime has to rent.


the moral of the story is that not only do you want a camera that uses high quality lenses

(and that is the only reason i can of to want a Contax 645, the metering is decent but the

AF is slow) , you also want one that is going to be supported going into the future.


It is your money so spend it however you like, but think ahead as well. Five years from

now, it is my belief that only Hasselblad and Mamiya are going to be the only two medium

format camera companies still in business.

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If reliability is important then you should shoot with a Nikon F3 or any other mechanical camera like the Hasselblad 500. Any electronic camera is as good as the battery. But digital is the way of the future, you can't get away from those batteries...That is why I am looking at these 2 camera systems.

I looked at the Contax 645 and Mamiya 645 AFD today. There is a different on how they handled. The Contax feel lighter and better balance. The Mamiya feel heavier and it is back heavy. Contax lets you control the aperture and focus on the lens. Overall, it has the look and feel of a mechanical camera. I have a Nikon N80, to this day, I can't remember how to manually change the aperture without looking at the manual. I don't think Mamiya is as plastic as people said. The auto focus on Mamiya is faster than Contax. I have a RZ67 and a 6 so I know Mamiya optic is not bad at all. So is the Pentax 645 system. They cost about the same for new or used. I guess it really come down to personal preference and handling. Also if auto focus is important for you, then Mamiya maybe a better choice. I think there are about the same number of digital backs available for both cameras.

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Hi John,

Just about 3 months back, I was in the same situation as yours. I had to make a hard decision, choosing between Contax 645 and Mamiya 645 AFD (I cut out Hassy H1, couldn't justify its price). I was considering a lots of factors, after doing comparisons, i conclude;


Contax 645 >

Pros: Zeiss lens, faster motor drive, nice body construction (feels a bit more solid than M645 AFD).

Cons: Battery problem, slower AF, it is discontinued.


Mamiya 645 AFD >

Pros: Handle more like my Canon 20d (has external Lcd and using 2 main dial to control exposures, faster handling), Faster AF (with Infra red guide), nice selection of Mamiya lens, which i believed as good as Contax's Zeiss, the back can accept both 120 and 220 film.

Cons: slower motor drive, a bit bulkier than Contax.


Being honest, If Contax doesn't use the Carl Zeiss lens, I wont even bother to look at it. Eventhough many people love its body construction and the mechanical feel of it, I guess the main atrraction is only the Zeiss lens.


I was suprised when i saw the Contax's Zeiss lens, it was written on the barrel "made in Japan" instead of "made in Germany". I was first skeptical about Mamiya lens quality, but after reading a lots forums, after seeing the MTF results of Mamiya vs Zeiss, and after testing it myself, it proved that Mamiya 645 AF lens performs well. I was just thingking, this Contax's Zeiss is made in Japan and Mamiya lens is also made in Japan, so, why people is really after that Japanese Zeiss, is it the brand which is a sort of legend or myth???


I didn't get opportunity to do a proper lens test, Mamiya 645 AF VS Contax's Zeiss. Are there anyone out there ever testing both lens brands (at any similar focal length)? Can you prove that Zeiss is better than Mamiya (in terms of sharpness, contrast, color, etc.) or the other way around.

Could anyone please gives comments (test results) on that issue... thanks.


By the way, at the end, after a lot of consideration and after testing both cameras myself, I finally got Mamiya 645 AFD. Its a superb camera. Hope you get the best camera.... happy shooting...


Best regards,


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Hi Nino,

That was great input. I think that is exactly what every one goes through when comparing 2 systems. I think even if there are differences between the Zeiss and Mamiya lens, it doesn't necessary make one better than the other. I also think most of your clients or even photographers could see the different or be able pick out the better image. I am sure I would be happy with either one of them. I would mind having both of them if I can afford it. Right now, I am looking for the best deal I can find.

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Ellis, you can make that anecdote on any camera make that is out there. Which camera make hasn't failed one time or another in the hands of a photographer? Nikon? Canon? Mamiya? Hasselblad? The Contax is certainly not unique in this respect and I don't know what your anecdote about a Contax 645 failing in the hands of your former student proves.


Kyocera may have ceased its manufacture but that doesn't imply that the Contax is a lousy system.


I remember how you used to go on and on about how repairmen around the USA told you that Profoto flashes were expensive to repair and had expensive parts whenever someone brought up Profoto. That didn't prove anything about the Profoto as your anecdote about the Contax doesn't prove anything now.

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Hi John: I have a Contax 645 from about a year and I love it. I don't know of any other camera and lenses of any format which are built with a comparable quality, ergonomic and optical competence and care, without any corners cut. I suspect only the Leica would compare. Anyway, about the battery problem, which scared me at first. I solved it by buying a Contax accessory, a grip, a few hundred dollars expense. The grip takes 4 ordinary AA batteries. Isn't that what we all do with our 35 mm systems? I don't know yet how long 4 AA batteries last, but I can give you a lower limit: at least three 120 rolls, plus thousands of focusing trials.
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Yes, the power grip is one option for the power problem that many have said. You can also get a M-8 power pack which let you use 4AA batteries. The M-8 power pack is less than a $90.00. New power grip and power pack are still available.
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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
I like my Contax. The lens are faster but more expensive. I think in general, Most Contax lens are at least f/2.8 where as Mamiya lens are f/3.5 or slower. The filter size for Contax is also larger 72mm and Mamiya is 58mm. I like the Contax a little more than the Mamiya about 65/45. Because of the faster lens and the Contax has more of a manual camera. They are selling for about the same price on eBay. Digital back for them are still too expensive for me right now. But I think they will come down.
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  • 1 month later...

This is an older thread, but the battery issue was mentioned som many times...torqued my jaw so I wanted to say...


What kind of an idiot would spend 2-8 grand on a camera and lenses then complain about batteries not lasing as long as somebodey thinks thye should? I have no problems with batteries, when it dies, I cahnge it, why is that a problem? Two grand for a lens and a motor that is moving around these big beautiful pieces of glass, that sucks juice, if you have a battery problem, the problem is not the camera, or the lens, maybe you are just to cheap to go buy a 12 dollar battery at Wallgreens?


Give me a break.


The C645 is a great camera. If you are worried about which loses it's value faster, go buy a Leica, fondle it, don't trip the shutter and in 10 years it won't lose much value.


Cameras are about photography. My C645 has been all over Africa, Brasil, Europe and even to Miami. The mirror has my girlfriends finger print on it, who cares? The value is in the image, not the box.

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