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OT: Which Web Browser Do You Use?

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I also check the bowsers that are checking out my site and most are IE. I use Safari but I set

it to appear as IE 6.0 appearing. I have it this way so i can do online banking and such. What

is interesting is SBC,now AT&T, has a DSL testing page that only will accept Net and IE but it

works fine with Safari if you fake that you are IE. The point being while there is no doubt that

most are using IE one can't go strictly by ones site hits.

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I may have been incorrect in my assumption that most IE users are browsing from an office



However, don't get me started on web standards: "I use Firefox but test everything in IE

(IEView is a great extension) since that's what people use to view the site."


It's irritating beyond belief how MS has twisted web standards. IE is very far from being a

compliant browser. Yet, because of its market share, website designers have to cow to the

Redmond gods despite how awful their sites sometimes look on more compliant browsers.


Other P-netters out there; you can easily check how your browser meets recognized web

standards by going to the Acid 2 test at webstandards.org: http://webstandards.org/files/


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<<In fact, you are more secure as your network connection goes through the Mac's firewall.>>




<<In addition, when your windows gets infected or owned with spyware, the entire windows environment is just a file on the mac. Delete it and copy back the file you saved after first installing windows in the VM.>>


The ability to delete an OS install is not a security feature. Your contention is wrong.


<<Finally, chances are you'll surf and email on the Mac side and so be less exposed on the Windows side.>>


The chances of you getting a virus are nill if you never turn on any computer. Your statment here has nothing to do with the original comment.

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<p>Read these statistics about browser use with care. They're totting up what they see from user-agent strings. What the browser is and what user-agent string it delivers are different matters, and what the software looks for in the user-agent string isn't clear. A non-freakish example is: <em>Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows ME; en) Opera 8.54</em>. I happen to know that this really is Opera 8.54, but I don't know offhand whether any particular statistics-generator knows this. And I also know that the particular user can easily make this read, say, <em>Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)</em> or even <em>Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 8.3; en) this is fiction, site statistics are a joke</em> or anything else.</p><p>Yes, the last time I looked at Opera (an old version, I must admit), the ability to flip user-agent strings was a straightforward menu option. And such a large percentage of sites have pointless browser-sniffing set up, coupled with a moronic refusal to serve up the wanted page to anything that doesn't look like MSIE or Netscape, that many tired Opera users soon resign themselves to pretending to the world that they're using inferior software.</p>
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Firefox, of course.


IE's a pain because it doesn't render cascading style sheets (CSS) according to the standards, and it makes up some things as it goes along. This means it gets in the way of good design on the web and, perhaps more importantly, makes life more difficult for people with disabilities who have to use things like screen readers. Even ignoring CSS, Microsoft's support for text resizing is clunkier than Firefox's.

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Great advice. Since reading this I've downloaded Firefox and put Safari onthe back burner. All's well so far.


I'm using Entourage for mail, addresses and calender. Any suggestions to improve on Entourage? I like having them all together, although that would not be a stopper.



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