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Zeiss Lenses..any More Set for Release?

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I already saw the 25mm at Tony Rose -- it looks pretty nice. The finder is incredibly nice, but

I think it is going to cost an arm and a leg. I don't think it is varifocal like the Leica (in that

the Leica switches magnifications), but it does have the 25,28 and I think 21 framelines on it.

It is very bright and clear. The handling of the lens was excellent, and the build quality

seemed very high to me. Better than the 28 ultron I used to have (one of the more solid

Voigtlander lenses).

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Local shop here has the 50, 35, 28 and 25...and the finder for the 25. The finder is a

jewel, really nice. No idea on price tho'...I didn't want to know.


I'd like to have the 50mm, but I'm already knee deep in 50mm lenses so I can't see a

rational reason to get the Zeiss.

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Tony Rose lists the viewfinder for $375 US, and his prices are usually the lowest around. I used an external viewfinder on an old 28mm lens. Not only did it look stupid, but it was the biggest pain the the #$^ to use. I guess its an acquired taste.
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Steve, does Tony Rose have a website?


BTW, the good news is that you don't have to use an uxiliary 28 mm finder with the ZI because it has these frame lines built into the camera's viewfinder. It's so easy to focus 25 mm & wider lenses due to depth of field that you really don't have to pay much attention to the camera's finder & can just deal with the external finder most of the time.


Thank goodnes for Cosina & the much cheaper auxiliary Voigtlander finders that they make.



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Okay, lot of you folks have pockets brimming with cash.


For you poor folk, buy a G2, same lenses better built body, probably and more than likely.


Okay, crappy view finder, not a true ranger finder; you can't stick leica lenses on the end of it.Hey, buy a bessa.


Second hand cheap....why wait. Just bought a secondhand 28mm for 150 quid.




There's an old saying 'a fool and his money are soon parted'


There's a thought.

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Frank -- I prdered a G2 as my first rangefinder. I hated the viewfinder -- it was so small and hard to see through w/ eyeglasses. And the one I got from B&H didn't work; something was wrong w/ the electronics. Ater this expereince, I followed my brother's advice and got an M6.


I must admit, however, that I've always liked the Contax lenses for the G when it comes to color film. I liked the corresponding Leica lenses at that time (second half of 90's) for B&W.

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