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fuji neopan 1600, developed for large grain


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i want to develop neopan 1600 so that it has lots of noticible grain.

im thinking it would be best to devo with dektol (ideal) or rodinal

(second best) but i cant find any reliable times and ratios to use.

"the massive development chart" has nothing for dektol and says 1:50

for rodinal...any ideas?

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Dektol will just give you very high contrast. If you want good grain in this film, Develop in D76 stock, and for the agitation, rather than only inverting the tank a few times, shake it pretty well during the complete agitation cycle.


The shaking will not only increase contrast a bit, but will give you great grain. Be carfull not to shake too hard or you will get sprocket surging.

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I develop Neopan in T-Max Dev and get very nice grain at 3200 and 6400, it is not so big as Kodak 3200 or Delta, but it is sharper and not so chunky. I quite like it and I'm a huge fan of grain.


I'm sure that Rodinal will do the job, but you might want to do some Stand Development: Let's say 60min and do 5 inversions every 5 minutes.


I did this for Tri-X at 12,800 and the results are superb, really nice grain.


I can't post any sample because I don't have a scanner.


You have to experiment.




Radu D.

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If it has to be Neopan1600 (at 1600 to keep contrast in check, much better at 1000...):

Xtol 1+3 in a Patterson (3 films in liquid for 4 films) at 26(!) degrees centigrade for 6 to

7,5 minutes. Inversions all of first minute, then four inversions every minute. Keep in

tempered water tank if the room is 20 deg C..

Big, sharp grain, but still not as extreme as with Tri-X, APX400 or the old Kodak


Cheers, Peter

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