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Edawl UFG in Europe

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Do you mean Ethol UFG? Edwal has FG7, but no UFG. Anyway, Foto Riegler, a small but competent mail-order shop here in Austria, has started to distribute Ethol products recently. Contact is:


web: www.foto-riegler.at


mail: foto-riegler@aon.at






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UFG is quite a developer... ultra fine grain, good contrast, tonality, and incredible shelf life.

But it's very, very active. Typical developing times are 5 minutes or less for some films. I

typically mix the one gallon size into 6 liters (one quart into 1.5 liters), and adjust

develoment time accordingly. For Ilford FP4 at 125 ISO, I use 7.5 minutes.


For years, I would use Ethol UFG Replenisher, which keeps the developer activity absolutely

consistant, even after developing the equivalent of 20 or more rolls of 120 film per liter.

Unfortunately, UFG Replenisher is hard to get these days (everbody except Lynn Jones

thinks replenisment is poor practice). I still have a few cans of replenisher left, but I'm not

sure what I'll do when it's gone, Ethol doesn't seem to have any advice on replenisment.

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