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Scanning Ektar 25 with Imacon

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Hi All,


I have a Imacon Flextight 343 and Im trying to get some good scans from a

friends 6x17 shots take on Ektar 25.


The Imacon dosent come with this neg film type setting and Im wondering if

anyone can point me in the right direction. The best I have gotten so far is

using the neg setting of Kodak Pro 100. The rest are way off.


I have downloaded the additional FlexColour Setups file from the imacon

website but I cant get Flexcolour to pick up and recognise the file, so im not

sure what additional settings are in this file.


Any help greatly appreciated.




Matt Lauder

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is there a way to HDR scan? It pulls out a untouched 32bit file and every slight difference in tonality, more precise than your eye and you screen and even any printer. So you'll be able to adjust everything yourself, nor using a prog like photomatix nor photoshop... I know that Silverfast does this type of scan but probably it will not be compatible with your drumscan...
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I have the extra film setups installed and there is not one for Ektar 25.


I find all the setups pretty useless anyway.


I would scan with 'Negative RGB Standard', and then tweak as necessary in either Flexcolor or


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