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Does Beattie Screen Alter AE Prism Metering?


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I had a RZ with the AE prism.If I remember right it does take the light measurement from above the screen. Mine also had a +- adjustment that you could make adjustments too. I did not have a beattie screen so I can't answer your exact question,but I would think yes.
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I'd think twice about getting a Beattie screen. I recieved one as a gift a couple years back. So many of my photographs looked slightly out of focus I thought it was a lens or mirrior problem. The guy who services my gear (and is Mamiya factory trained) mentioned to me that Beattie screens have been known to not work well on the RZ67. Sure enough when I put back in my factory screen, my shots came in accuratley focused. So just be forewarned...Beatties are expensive. Maybe mine wasn't sitting correctly or something else I don't know. Just make sure yours is returnable. Ironic that a screen made for better focusing had the reverse effect for me.
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I don't have a Mamiya RZ but I have used Beattie screens. As others point out whether the Beattie will affect metering will depend on the path followed by light to your meter. It is easy to ascertain any difference by metering from a plain wall in shade (so the light doesn't vary) with first your existing prism and then with the Beattie fitted. The readings you get indicate whether and extent of the exposure adjustment necessary. You can achieve the adjustment a number of ways - recalibrating the prisms meter if you can do so is clearly a good option if you can do it (I can't and it requires a technician) - or alternatively you can just alter film speed or exposure compensation on a permanent basis.


I didn't find the Beattie screen improved focussing, and especially with the longest lenses could get some out of focus shots. It did brighten the finder image noticeably, though that's going to vary by brand. I have more recently found that Maxwell screens seem to give the same or better brightness more naturally and that they do help you to focus. There's lots of threads here about Maxwell.

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Several years ago I had a Beattie screen installed in a recently-acquired Pentax 6x7 by a local tech, and he noted that -- after putting in the screen -- the meter calibration was spot-on. I don't know if the meter was also right on before or a little off, but it seems the new screen made little or no difference to the meter (located in the prism) despite the brightness claims. But I wasn't really after more brighness, though welcome, as I wanted the grid.


My older 6x7 got a grid screen during service at Pentax many years ago, and I can't make out much if any difference in the two grid screens.

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